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The idea of ​​this chapter was formed apart from Alex's "void" that was seen in the last MUSE ARG video, this "void" led me to wonder: What would the emptiness of other characters be like?.

Welcome to the new world order.

Mark just stared in terror at the trash can in his room.

Mark was babbling, he made a mistake...he spit the spore into his own house.
-Mark!,Mark, wake up Mark-a voice in the distance woke up the brunette.

-hmmm...-his head hurt and his neck was too much this time, but...he wasn't in his bed, the floor was cold and the only thing he remembered was his failed escape.

-W-what?-His vision was worse than usual because, of course, his glasses had disappeared.

-Hey Mark-a familiar voice caught his attention, apparently it was Antonio but Mark had no way to confirm it since he didn't have his glasses.

-A-antonio?-the Critic sat down with difficulty.

-Ding ding ding!-Antonio maintained a firm posture and his classic smile while saying that ridiculous thing.

-and-I...I'm sorry! Please-Mark I can't finish begging.

-Oh, don't worry, Mark! We already got you a replacement. - Antonio took a few steps to the right and made way for that companion, a copy physically identical to Mark emerged from the darkness, the only thing that didn't fit... It was that smile.

Mark, stunned, began to shake his head and hug the wall as much as he could, fearing his end.

-Hello! -Greeting cheerfully and then looking at the editor- you can go now- the man nodded, turned around and disappeared into the darkness of the basement -We already know each other, but I think you deserve some explanations...-Mark was limited to remaining silent - as you must assume, I am your muse, at the end of the process and you have left me space to take your place, now, I will proceed to devour you to absorb your memories and memories - there was a deafening silence - ho, And, also, Antonio lied to you. That clone's face began to open in half, revealing teeth and interior identical to those of the muse.

A temptation emerged from that creature's face, grabbing Mark by the ankle and dragging him towards his end.
After being "swallowed" by the muse, the boy wanted with all his might for everything to end but...the world was never on his side.

-hehe, HEY!, wake up dude, this time it's serious, wake up~-the critic kept his eyes closed, he was standing, but he refused to "wake up"-hey, wake up!-the Critic felt two hands holding his cheeks-hehe, it's me-.

He slowly opened his eyes, only to find himself with the unpleasant surprise that his vision was still blurry, but he could make out the silhouette of someone's face...

-oh, heh, sorry - this person put the glasses on him - ready - a boy at least 5 cm shorter than him, curly, with light eyes and little facial hair, was holding the critic's face - hello -.

-A-anthony?- he took his "friend's" forearms.

-mhm-Anthony nodded-don't worry, I will always protect you- Anthony moved closer to the critic's face.

-Seriously?-He moved his face away a little.

-Yes...-Anthony closed his eyes to plant a tender kiss on the critic's mouth, but before their lips joined Anthony stopped-heh...haha- Anthony moved further away from the Critic and removed his hands from the cheeks-haha...HAHAHA- he separated completely and started to run while making fun of the one with glasses.

Mark!, Mark...who is going to stop me?(English version)Where stories live. Discover now