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-------------------------------------- CLARIFICATION:
Originally, this chapter was going to be darker, it was going to be based on the latest Muse arg video where Alex's "void" is shown, but the romanticism won out.

Why do I always start with him waking up? Xd.

TW: short chapter 😭 .

Welcome to the new world order. --------------------------------------
-Mark! Mark, wake up, it's me...hehe, WAKE UP!-A distant scream woke up the Critic who, out of fright, suddenly got up sitting on the bed, looking to the sides to identify the reason from the noise, but he didn't see anything or anyone, he didn't have his glasses on as he remembered, it was still night and he didn't know where his cell phone was, he was completely disoriented.

He looked around with difficulty and managed to locate a figure lying next to him, it was Antonio, Mark lay down again, but this time looking at him, he couldn't distinguish his facial features well, but he could see that he was still smiling, without showing his teeth, just I was smiling.

Mark looked at his face carefully, "How envious," he thought, how was it possible that Antonio seemed to be relaxed all the time? Mark's eyes dropped to his partner's bare chest...Mark wasn't much for controlling his impulses.

Mark cautiously approached his hand, placing it on Antonio's chest, he could feel how his hand was slowly guided up and down by Antonio's breathing, his chest was warm, not like Mark's hands which were relatively cold, enough to cause discomfort to the opponent.

-hmm-he complained,Mark quickly removed his hand and stood still waiting for a reaction, Antonio just moved his head and settled closer to the boy who breathed a sigh of relief.

Mark approached again with curiosity, took Antonio's arm, extending it towards him, then lay down on it and hugged Antonio's body, but not before arranging the blanket so that it covered both of them. Mark sighed and got ready to sleep.
A few minutes passed before Mark fell asleep and, almost instantly, Antonio opened his eyes and immediately looked at his partner.

Antonio smiled completely again and settled on his side to hug the Critic better, wrapped him in his arms and squeezed gently to later kiss him on the forehead.

What neither of them knew while they were executing these actions... they were both awake.
The alarm went off and, surprisingly, Mark was the first to open his eyes and, even more surprising, Antonio was still asleep.

Mark, upon noticing the position they were in, moved carefully so as not to wake up the opposite.
He remained sitting on the bed for a few moments before deciding what to do.

He got up, dressed and went down to the kitchen.

Once there, he searched the refrigerator and took out two bags full of meat, then he went to the muse who, curiously, had not Be upset for the time it was.

-hey, um...hi-Mark had stopped to talk before handing over the meat-hey...Can I ask you something?-Mark remained silent waiting for an answer that didn't come-okay. ..well, here-Mark dropped the bags towards the muse and decided to leave.

-Hmmmm, what-Mark stopped dead when he heard his muse's voice and turned around slowly., why you doesn't come out? I mean, other muses wander around the house haven't come out since I gave you know, my mother-.

-there is something stronger than me out there...-.

-What?-The idea that there was something more powerful in his house baffled him, the last time he checked, the most powerful thing was a pair of Sonic sneakers.

Mark!, Mark...who is going to stop me?(English version)Where stories live. Discover now