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Viewers! I am afraid to inform you that this is almost over, we are possibly less than 5 chapters away from the end.

This chapter is the continuation of "the void".

Welcome to the new world order.

I take the handle and enter... A public bathroom?

He looked around while trying to calm his breathing, the place seemed familiar, he had undoubtedly been there before.

It could be any public bathroom but a picture of Sonic on the wall made him recognize it immediately, it was the bathroom at his old school.

He gave a sigh, walked over to the sink, it worked fine, so he took off his glasses and washed his face.
Finished with that task, he looked in the mirror, only to come across the blurry silhouette of what appeared to be a pig standing on two legs.

Obviously he was startled, he looked over his shoulder, there was nothing, he put on his glasses without stopping looking, just to be sure, Nothing.

He returned his gaze to the sink, he had to think about something.

suddenly, he could hear the front door open, it was him, but younger and noticeably upset, he entered one of the cubicles, slamming the door behind him.

-Mark!,Wait!-a boy was following him, he stopped in front of the door-really? Please!-He also seemed upset...wait, yes?,no...the memory began to distort, Antony's mean grimace began to change to one that was on the verge of crying - Please, Mark! - he got no response, the boy's face changed abruptly between those faces, it was as if his mind was I struggled to choose between the truth and the lie, only I needed to know which was which- Please.

-Go away- the brunette's angry voice interrupted the curly boy.

-Okay- he said in a tired manner, the young critic put on his headphones and the opponent left the place with hurried and strong steps.
-Okay...- he repeat it? No, it was as if the memory was reproduced again, this Once he said it in a more subdued tone, whatever the case may be, he slowly headed towards the exit without making a sound.-I'll take your backpack, okay?-He didn't get a response, he gave a sigh and left the place.

Mark was confused, he remembered how his then best friend was deeply upset, where had the other version come from?

-WHAT DOES IT COST? IT'S A DAMN MINIATURE! - A shiver ran down the critic's spine, he left the place and made way to the dining room of his house, he raised his voice at him, Anthony seemed unfazed, he remained He was silent as he looked into nothing, leaning on his fist-I'm talking to you!- "I hate you," he whispered.

One more time.

-WHAT DOES IT COST YOU?! IT'S A FUCKING MINIATURE! -A tormented Anthony covered his ears in response to the Critic's scolding -I'm talking to you! -He approached and hit the curly man's forearm, uncovering his ear, he I look with some terror - Oh, don't start crying - no response - fine! - He turned around towards the stairs - I hate you - He whispered.

A current Mark just looked confused as he tried to analyze the situation.

How was this possible? His head began to hurt.

He was getting overwhelmed, he didn't want to see himself as a villain, but those were not the actions of a hero.

The lights went out, the void became completely black.

He looked around, spinning on his own axis, he never liked being alone, but he was used to it.

In that moment of loneliness, he tried to join cables, whose memories were those? They were clearly not his, he admitted to having yelled at the boy, he admitted to having replaced him with those boys, but... he was not a bad person... TRUE?.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 04 ⏰

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