the job

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Even though this fic tried to stick to canon as much as possible, I'm going to skip the original ending through the arc of triumph and give it a worse ending 😃👍.

Welcome to the new world order.

The critic left his appointment with the psychologist late, accompanied by his best friend at the time.

They were on their way home, Mark was 16 and Anthony was 17, they were only months apart, they were talking about that date, Anthony asked and Mark answered.

-hmm...and, did you cry a lot?-Anthony was not looking at Mark while asking this question, he was too busy looking at the floor not to get out of line.

-What? No, I dont cry-Anthony stopped short and looked at the opposite with a mocking smile.

-don't lie to yourself-Anthoy continued walking.

-...-Mark remained silent, Anthony was right, he cried almost every time he went to the psychologist, the curly boy noticed the brunette's silence.

-oh, don't be like that -Anthony gave a friendly blow to the opponent's shoulder- crying is okay, I cry too, I'm very sensitive- Anthony began to walk at the pace of his partner.

-it's easy for you to say, you were raised as a girl- Mark kept his eyes down with his hands in his pockets.

-uuu, it could be, buuut, that doesn't mean you can't deconstruct yourself -Anthony looked at the Critic waiting for a response.

-yes...but, it's difficult, the memories of my father are still present -Anthony rolled his eyes.

-hey, don't let that old fart-ass affect your current life- the older one stated, they were already close to their destination, it was time for Mark to enter the house and Anthony to go to his.

-well, um, don't you want to stay? I mean, it's already dark and your house is far away - Mark knew how dangerous those directions were and he would hate for something to happen to his friend.

-Nah, I'm going to be fine -Anthony took some headphones out of his pocket and connected them to his cell phone -no one is going to kill me, not today -Anthony put on the headphones and then hugged the brunette -and, hey, about your dad -Anthony separated from the hug, keeping his hands on the boy's shoulders -don't worry, I will always take care of you- Mark's eyes lit up and Anthony gave him an understanding smile, a smile that, almost instantly, turned into a mockingly and, immediately, the curly boy began to laugh non-stop, he let go of the brunette and started running without stopping laughing.

Mark looked confused as Anthony walked away, it wasn't the first time he took advantage of his "daddy issues."

The alarm rang, Mark opened his eyes with difficulty, it was the fourth time in the week that he dreamed the same thing, only that each time new details appeared, this time it was that 'that void' became the street.

Mark turned off the alarm clock and sat on the bed, taking in what had happened yesterday, he realized that his "friend" was not in the room, he sighed and prepared to change.

Once downstairs, Mark looked for Antonio, he was not in the kitchen, or in the living room, or... anywhere.

Mark began to panic, not the kind that upsets your heart and makes you feel small, but rather the kind that makes you wander from one place to another while you overthink everything.

Mark was facing his fear of being alone again, until he remembered that he hadn't checked on the muse.

The critic hurried down to the basement, he knew that if he didn't find it there, the muse would no longer have any reason to stay in that basement.

Mark!, Mark...who is going to stop me?(English version)Where stories live. Discover now