Chapter 12: Minilla's Motivation

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On a bright sunny day on Monster Island, Godzilla, Mothra, Barb, Femuto, Gigan, Battra & Muto Prime were all having a peaceful walk around the island. While doing so, they eventually reach the children's playing field. All the kids were gathered around Minilla, whose eyes were sharply focused on a pile of rocks stacked for him in the distance. "Come on you've got this, you just have to believe in yourself!" Mirai energetically encourages his cousin.

"You must be patient, with patience on your side, you can achieve anything you want!" Hoshimi kneels next to her little brother and runs her hand down his back.

Seeing Godzilla and the gang park behind them, Hana walked up to meet them. "Hey baby, you doing alright?" The doting King bent his knees lifted his daughter up with her arms and kissed her fondly. "Yeah I'm fine, Dad." Hana answered jovially after returning the gesture back to her father. "But Minilla isn't." The girl added more dully. The kaiju then hear a light whirring noise coming from the little reptile. Minilla's miniature spines start to glow blue from the tail up, with his mouth also beginning to illuminate through his teeth.

"Come on! Keep on going!" Lea motivates him. Taking a deep breath and filling his lungs with oxygen, Minilla shoots the flames at the target. But like every other time, the same thing just happens again and again.

Instead of firing a concentrated beam of pure radiation like his father, Minilla only manages to shoot a blue smoke ring instead. Travelling sluggishly towards the pile of rocks, a mere 'puff' is created once it hits them, barely budging the target upon collision as the smoke ring dissipates into thin air. "ARGH!! This is hopeless!!" Minilla screams in frustration. Kicking the grass under his feet, the monster storms away from his siblings in an agitated manner. As Hokmuto and Hana lowered themselves off Godzilla, the concerned alpha predator chased after his son while everyone looked on with sadness for the young Titan.

Making his way to the beachfront, Minilla continues to kick away at the earth and curse himself, believing he will never strive to become the great Warrior King his father is. Beginning to tear up, he grabbed a handful of sand in his claws and furiously threw it out to sea before giving off a rage-filled roar into the horizon. "Hey, hey! Calm down, Minilla!" Godzilla rushed up and knelt down to hug his son tightly.

"I'm a failure, Dad! A failure!" The boy sobbed on his father's neck.

"You're not! You're not a failure! And you never will be! You hear me?!" Godzilla rested his snout against the top of Minilla's head.

"I can't even do a stupid atomic breath!" The kaiju slammed his tail against the ground.

Chuckling at himself, Godzilla tells his son a little story. "You know Minilla, your Daddy was just like you when he tried to breathe his first atomic breath. Time and time again all I ever managed to blow were rings... and bubbles." Godzilla grinned down to his kid.

"Bubbles?" Minilla sniffed.

"Yeah! And you thought rings were stupid!" The King said as his son began to giggle. "Now come on you used to sneeze bubbles when you were a baby!"

"Yeah? And how old were you?" Minilla countered.

"...That's besides the point." Godzilla tried to avoid the question. "I also remember that your Grandad would always threaten to hit me whenever I do it wrong."

"You're not gonna hit me are you?!" Minilla sounded worried.

"What? No, don't be ridiculous! Daddy loves you too much to do such a thing!" The Titan kisses the top of his boy's head.

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