Chapter 8: Daddy's Very Angry

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BLAST! The blue beam of Godzilla's atomic ray smashes at Gabara's ugly green face, creating sparks and explosions that scatter out randomly in every direction. "Brilliant(!) Absolutely brilliant(!)" a female voice screams out in frustration. "Not only have we gotten nowhere out on the field, but we even lost FOUR of our own monsters to that overgrown lizard! TRAITORS!!" She flails her arms all over the place like a madman and points to the holo-projected video of the alpha kaiju roaring into the sky. The young Commandress had only recently acclaimed the title she now tightly holds, for she mutinied and usurped the rank of Commander X by killing her superior, who wanted a calmer, and slower approach to conquering Earth through means of gaining the humans' trust. Commandress X, notorious for her brash and aggressive nature, was too impatient for such a strategy to be adopted. She therefore exploited her new position and telekinetic powers to strike a sudden and aggressive attack against the planet's inhabitants, using Earth's own monsters to accomplish the task. She plans to conquer this primitive, but critical planet, and return home to become the new official Commander and elected Kaiserin of Planet X and it's empire by the supposed will of the deceased ruler.

Emerging out of the shadows and into the orange tainted light of the control room, the Commandress's appearance could finally be seen. Transmuting into the body of a young human female with godly assets,she also spawns long black hair. She hides her silvery, fish-like alien looks using this deceptive disguise. Her four lieutenants: Neon, Argon, Xenon and Gamma had also done the same, keeping their real identity from being discovered by morphing into disguises like that of their Commandress - notably all of which are Japanese. They each wore an all black rubbery-like, shoulder-padded polished cloak which screamed both style and authority. Situated around a table where the video of a victorious Godzilla and fleeing Gabara was being projected from, the subordinates sat in silence, irritated at their Commandress while she vented her childish anger. Completely unpredictable and ignorant, she orchestrated and hurriedly organised the entire invasion and strategies by herself. And unlike her predecessor, she either often forgets or refuses to consult with any of his advisors. "Losing those Mutos and moth was alright I guess, but Gigan?!" She cried. "I liked her! I gave her those hooks as a gift and what does she do in return? She betrays me! Unbelievable!" The Commandress kicks the floor.

"Here it comes..." Argon mumbles quietly.

"This is all your fault! You're all useless! It's not like you four have been any help!" The Commandress scolds her adjutants.

"Well let me rectify that." Gamma spoke as she got off from a slumped position on her chair. The agitated Commandress quietens down as her eyes followed her. Walking over to the glass window, she stares at a big blue dot in the distance, the glass faintly reflecting her face.

"It is obvious this Godzilla is the driving force for Earth's resistance. So if we take him out of the picture, his friends and the humans will soon follow." Her voice light and magisterial. Named Gamma for the beguiling radiant rays she so majestically emits, she turns round to her new leader as she leans back on the window. Her face was without argument a charming work of art, she looked like an angel that descended from heaven - Gamma certainly chose the right human to use as her disguise. And it isn't just her face that is so captivating and adoring to acclaim, her whole body is like it was sculpted by a goddess, she wore a black top under her imposing cloak that exposes her superlative stomach and revealing her bare chest, concealing her gorgeous grandiose pair of orbs underneath. Wearing shorts with midnight tights running up over her knees, one could only wonder just how impeccably alluring her legs really are. And to finish it off, Gamma has long, black crystalline, straight shining hair that ran all the way down her back and ravishingly draped over her left eye. If there was anything Gamma liked about the human race, it was their women - with this new body she could explore all the luxuries of being human, and experience a whole new level of pleasure her Xilien form couldn't come close to granting. 

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