Chapter 11: Terror Of A Robotic Doppelganger

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Godzilla was again patrolling around to catch any trouble that may be happening. At first, nothing seemed out of order until he heard a loud explosion that came off in the distance & went to observe. After making it to his destination, he looked around & saw major destruction around the area. His thoughts were interrupted when a missile hit in the chest as he roared in pain from the sudden attack. "OK, who did that!?" He yelled. He then got his answer as a giant robotic figure appeared & landed in front of him. In front of Godzilla was a creature that shared a similar appearance to him but had a more robotic look.

"Who are you?" Questioned the suarian. "I am MechaGodzilla, the one sent to annihilate you." Answered the robotic creature who identified himself as MechaGodzilla. Godzilla was not too pleased at the fact he was having to face a robotic-mechanized version of himself. He must have been built by the Xiliens to get rid of him, "Is that so? Well, I'd like to see you try!" Godzilla Barked.

Godzilla & Mechagodzilla charged at one another as they clashed, Mechagodzilla fired an Eye Beam at Godzilla, but the suarian ducked his head to avoid to it. He then rammed his body into his robotic counterpart, smashing him into a rock formation. He prepared to fire an Atomic Breath, but MechaG opened up his Plasma Blast cannons in his legs & fired multiple blasts at Godzilla, forcing him back & interrupting his attack. Seeing his opening, Mechagodzilla took his right fist, encasing it with red energy & nailed Godzilla in the face with a Proton Punch. Godzilla was sent tumbling back with a thud. MechaG then fired multiple missiles at the downed suarian, doing more damage & causing him to roar in pain.

Having had enough with the barrage of attacks he was getting hit by, Godzilla then built up his energy & released a Nuclear Pulse halting MechaG's attack. Godzilla then followed up with an Atomic Breath, which forced Mechagodzilla back. He then rammed into MechaG again before pinning him down. He began punching Mechagodzilla repeatedly in the head. Mechagodzilla then struck Godzilla with a Proton Punch, before blasting him with his Laser Eye Beams, forcing him further back.

Godzilla then growled angrily at his mechanical counterpart before firing his Atomic Breath at MechaG, who fired a Proton Scream in response. The two attacks clashed midway & the two opponents didn't let up until Mechagodzilla increased his onslaught by firing a powerful Hyper Spiral Beam from his chest at Godzilla, which hit the saurian king head on, causing him to get hit by the Proton Scream as well. Getting hit by both attacks caused the king to roar in pain as they hurt Godzilla badly. Godzilla fell over from the onslaught of his mechanical duplicate, MechaG made his way over the saurian & and grabbed onto him tightly before taking flight with Godzilla in his clutches. He then began slamming Godzilla on the ground hard before throwing him into a rock. Godzilla was now lying on the ground, covered in injuries due to the brutal onslaught from MechaG. MechaG then grabbed onto Godzilla again, but this time, he pried his mouth open to blast a Proton Scream down his throat.

Godzilla found himself in a tough spot. This mechanical version of him was difficult to handle with all with weaponry & tough metal exterior. But before Mechagodzilla could deal the final blow, a mysterious figure appeared out of nowhere & forced MechaGodzillas' head up before he could he could finish Godzilla off. This mysterious figure that saved Godzilla was none other than King Kong, the King of the Hollow Earth. He forced Mechagodzilla off Godzilla before being knocked off by Mechagodzilla.

Mechagodzilla, angered by Kong's interference with his mission, attempted to hit Kong with a Proton Punch but was intercepted by Godzilla grabbing his arm. Kong then returned & joined in the fight & they both forced Mechagodzilla back. Godzilla then directed attention to see his old friend who saved his skin. "It's been a while, hasn't it Kong?" He asked. Kong responded, " I couldn't agree more." Mechagodzilla then returned to his feet & glared at the two monsters who glared back. But suddenly , another adversary showed up on the battlefield, which appeared to be another Mecha, but had a more resembling appearance of Kong. This was none other than Mechani-Kong. "It took you long enough." Grumbled Mechagodzilla. "Quit being a drama king." replied Mechani-kong. "I never thought I would see mechanized version of you." spoke Godzilla. "Neither did I..." groaned Kong. Kong would take on his Mechanized counterpart, while Godzilla would take on Mechagodzilla.

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