Chapter 5 : Redemption of a Sister

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Hours before Godzilla made landfall all the way on the other side of the Pacific Ocean in Peru, Mothra arrived at The Land Down Under in Melbourne, Australia. Touching down as graceful and light as a feather in the centre of the city, she realised that all around her the Emerald City was in absolute ruins. Even under the loom of a shadowy rain cloud overhead she could see the city had been charred by raging infernos, with thousands of buildings lay razed to the ground and entire lengths of road torn out of the earth. The once gleaming gem now crushed and reduced to nothing more than dirty dust.

Cautiously stepping her way through the mauled and mangled metropolis, Mothra constantly finds herself swivelling round, the slightest of noises triggering her acute senses, attracting her every attention until a movement behind an intact skyscraper to her right instantly drew her awareness away. "Who goes there?" The moth shouted in the direction of the motion. She could have sworn she saw what looked like the tip of a tail shortly before it went completely behind the tower. Inching closer to the target as the first rumbling from the clouds start to sound, Mothra readies herself into a defensive posture. "Show yourself!" She demanded, steadily stepping forward until the goddess finally made it within touching distance of the building. Heart racing rapidly, Mothra flings herself round the side of the block, arms raised and ready to fight. What the Queen saw, shocked her to her very foundations.

It was indeed a kaiju, but one she really did not expect to see here, of all places. The monster she was staring utterly bemused at was mostly black in colour, with a yellow and dark red underside. It also has a giant horn on its head along with two tusks on each cheek, and a row of intimidating claws on both sides of its body. It's a larva. But not like her own offspring. This larva - a larva she could recognise anywhere - is her sister's son, Mirai. Mothra's nephew. She hadn't seen him since his family's awakening back in 1992 under the depths of the North Sea.

"M-Mirai? Why are you here? Where's your Mom? Is she here?" Exclaimed Mothra in her strict parental voice. Without saying a word, the larva looked on in an sorrowful expression before gazing to just left of Mothra's head. Confused by this, the divine moth turned around swiftly and looked momentarily in the same direction before turning back again. "What are you looking it?" Hesitating, the child finally broke his silence.

"I... I'm sorry, Auntie." The child closes his watery eyes and turned his head to the side.

"What? What are you tal-ARGH!!!" Suddenly picked up off the ground and briefly lifted into the air, by an unknown force, Mothra gets violently slammed as hard as a hammer on stone into another building some distance away, with claws clutching tightly at her shoulders. After shaking her dizzy head to regain a clear sight, she finds herself staring straight at a furious face barely touching hers.

The kaiju that pinned her to the side of a building was exactly the same size and build as the Queen of the Monsters herself, only being dark in colouration and fostering striking wings with streaks of red and yellow running dazzlingly across them. The Titan also has distinguishable yellow horns on its head, like the larva, and it's face, full of hatred, had sizzling red eyes that could incinerate all things imaginable. More corrupt than ever before, it is without argument, Mothra's fallen kin: Battra.

Hurling her to the ground behind them, Mothra lands roughly as she rolls along the rubble specked floor. "Well, look what we have here..." Her voice pleasantly vicious. Propping herself up with her elbows, she sees the larva crawling next to his mother, with his head solemnly down in sorrow. Taking the opportunity while she might, Battra smirks in amusement. "I see you've still been treating yourself well." She eyed her sister's fetching frame. Gazing back at her sibling, Mothra couldn't resist a small giggle.

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