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Congratulations to all the winners of the best action scene category! If you didn't win, please don't be disheartened! Keep up all of your amazing work! Special thanks to Elainetowne for judging all of your books! Please follow them and check their works out as well! 

Please be aware that I WILL NOT be chasing you for your prizes. If you would like your prizes, you must DM me. The only prize I will be doing on my own is the shout-out, but the rest are all things you must DM me about! 


and now, to the scores...


Conform or Suffer: JankyFluffy

Score: 4/10 

Review: The word selection to describe this fight scene was not very descriptive, and not detailed quite enough. I recommend researching synonyms of the descriptive words used and using more engaging and exciting word choices. Also if you could add more descriptive words to the kind of pain felt that would be great as well. I also think more internal thoughts of the characters would give some more background information and make the story more interesting. I'd like to reread it once some editing is done! 


Past in the Spotlight: LORAINEJD 

Score: 8/10 

Review: This was a very interesting action scene. I think it's kind of sudden to have this as one of the starting scenes in your story but it definitely gets readers interested! I like the use of engaging descriptive words as well as the detail included. I enjoyed reading. 


 Loving You is a Losing Game: craftychicken

Score: 0/10 

Review: No action, I really think it's a good book but I didn't read any action scenes in this chapter.


The Eyes of Power: TheWordArtistBooks

Score: 7/10

Review: This scene has lots of fast-paced action. The way everything is described makes it easy to understand the setting. I think this chapter could have benefited from more detail of the surroundings and I think this scene was also a little too rushed. Other than that I really enjoyed reading it! 


A Memory of Starfires: Aravis-Brightspell

Score: 8/10 

Review: This scene had well-paced action and was described beautifully. I don't have any suggestions for this scene because I think it is just right as is. I enjoyed reading this wonderful piece.


 Against the Dark: wordywonders

Score: 9/10 

Review: Great action scene! The battle was immaculate. Very detailed and the vocabulary used shows that you're an experienced writer. I loved reading it!



🥈Aravis-Brightspell AND  LORAINEJD


Congratulations to all the winners! If you'd like your prizes, please DM me to discuss further! 




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