Episode 5

120 15 4

  It was around... 10 days after your first formal event with the renowned genius and now... Here you were, sitting in his office as he introduces you as his beloved girlfriend to some business partners. 

  You really couldn't catch a break, could you? After the last event, your contract boyfriend had only gotten more obsessive, pestering you to do more... girlfriend activities with him. Like going on dates, being introduced as his one and only to everyone who asks about you. being forced to tell him how much you love him... At least he brought you to shopping sprees.

  At first it was fine, it really was. But then it started to get overwhelming. It would've been fine if he spread it out a little more but lately, you were forced to stay with him in his luxury penthouse, wakeup, visit places you'd never been able to afford before, reassure him that you are in love, go home, repeat.

  It would seem like the dream and ideal life for someone like you. Being with a rich guy who's paying you to be with him. But in reality, it was far more exhausting than it actually was. After all, you were now under the scrutinizing eyes of high and rich society. 

  You didn't think that dating a rich guy would be so easy, would you?

  No, it was far from easy. Now you had multiple people asking you what you work as, what you plan on doing, all while giving you judgemental looks. They don't even bother to hide their disdain for you, looking at you like you're some sort of peasant that got lucky. But it's not like you can tell them that this was just a contract relationship. No, if you did, things would get even worse.

  Oh well, at least there's the money. The money that you so desperately want. If not for the money, you'd have asked to end the contract earlier. It was just so exhausting being with someone rich.

  Not to forget, Axel was far from normal. You only noticed it just now, but the way he looks at you versus how he looks at everyone else is so... different.

  His eyes cloud with something you can't really name, and his mood turns a whole 180. He gets all excited, all clingy like a pathetic little dog. You'd have thought it was endearing, if not for the way his face darkens when you give him an unfavourable answer. 

  You don't know whether it's an act or not. He couldn't possibly be in love with you, could he? This is just a contract relationship. And he has so many other attractive women by his side. Why would he fall for you, let alone grow obsessed?

  Anyway, you just knew you had to be careful. But with how tired you were getting, it was a little bit hard to do that.

  "Axel can I go back to your place first? I'm a little tired..."

  "Ah? Just a little bit more babe, please?"

  He stops talking with his business partners, turning to look at you with a small pout as he places his hands above yours. 

  "This meeting will end soon. You can rest on my shoulder for now?"

  He proposes, smiling at you in an attempt to reassure you. However, you feel no reassurance at all. After all, if you fell asleep now you would only be judged by this rich oldies. How awful is that? You didn't want them to blacklist you from luxury brands that they own or anything after you get rich!

  You just have to suck it up for now unfortunately.

  "Ah it's fine. just continue talking to your partners."

  You fake a smile at the business partners who seem to be looking at you in slight approval. Hm, was high society always this hard? Why the hell did you have to act so perfect all the time even though you were tired? 

100 days to love ― m. yandere x f. readerWhere stories live. Discover now