Episode 3

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  It's been about a week since you had been forced to quit your job. Everything had been going great until today when Axel dropped a bomb on you.

  "Are you serious? I need to seriously act like that?"

  "It's for the plan."

  You drop your jaw at Axel's words, blinking slowly as you refuse to believe his words. There's no way... you had to act like a clingy and obsessive girlfriend for the plan, right?

  So basically Axel needed a partner for a meeting with a particular group of people, he didn't tell you who but you imagine they must be important, and you're obviously the person he's going to bring. He introduced you as his girlfriend, as expected, but he also added in some... unnecessary details. Like how you're an obsessive and clingy girlfriend... And how you're completely smitten with him...

  You were completely flabbergasted when he told you that. It didn't make sense for him to add that detail in, so why did he? He could've mentioned how you were shy or quiet but no! He had to say you were obsessed and completely in love with him.

  If you didn't know better you'd think he want you to be in love with him.

  But he wouldn't want that. Obviously. Duh.

  He probably just needed an obsessive girlfriend for this... very specific meeting with this specific group of people. Yeah, at least that's what you're telling yourself anyways. To make things easier for yourself.

  You still can't wrap your mind on the fact that you'll have to act like this... crazy and obsessed girlfriend for Axel.  Like, you know that he's giving you money and this is part of the contract but still! Your pride and dignity is on the line!

  Were you seriously willing to act like a dog if he offered money?


  The answer is yes.

  Unfortunately you were too in love with money to say no. And you were also a people pleaser so that made things even worse. How were you supposed to say no when he was asking so nicely and looked that pitiful? It's also partly because of the contract but that's not that important.

  You look back at Axel, sighing softly as you rub your temples before clarifying some things with him. Okay, so how obsessed did he want you to act? Should you be full blown insane? You had to know how badly your ego would be broken.


  "I'd prefer if you acted super insane, but you can turn it down a notch or two if you so wish."

  You nod hesitantly at his words, humming as you understand what he's saying. Hm... Okay so you'll just do the bare minimum then. Let's test it out!

  Suddenly gripping onto his arm, you put on your most pathetic expression, switching faces immediately.

  "Babe I can't... don't leave me!"

  At your own words, you can't help but crumble in cringe. What the hell was that?! That was so disgusting!

  However, the second you looked towards Axel, you realized how much of a freak he was. Cheeks flushed, eyes wide... Did he... like it?

  "...Could you do that again?"

  He questions, hiding his face in his hands as you shrug in response. Ah you really don't want to... I mean, he might like it but like-

  "I'll give you money."

  You immediately go back to putting on the pathetic girlfriend act.

  "Axel no please... Don't you love me too? Why can't you just love me back?"

  You whimper, gripping his pants as you get on the floor and act as pathetic as possible. Inwardly, you can't help but cringe at your words and actions This was so damn embarrassing! But anything for money... right?

  "Ah... So cute... Can you wear a leash next?"

  You stare at Axel, jaw dropping as he peeks out from behind his fingers. He looks super embarrassed, tips of his ears red as you two maintain eye contact in an awkward silence.


  Did he really think you'd agree to that? You're a human not a dog! Why would you wear a leash?!

  Maybe... you should start setting up boundaries.

100 days to love ― m. yandere x f. readerWhere stories live. Discover now