Episode 6

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  You stare at your contract boyfriend, looking up from your phone as you quirk an eyebrow at him. It had officially been... two months since your contract with him. If you remember correctly, you had only signed it for three months which means you only had one month left with him.


  Is it too late to ask for an extension?

  You really like being spoiled by him, even if he was a little obsessive. Plus, you have no more job. Well, maybe other than acting like you love Axel and treating him like he's the love of your life... But that's besides the point. The point is, after your contract had ended you'd have nowhere to go!

  Well, you would have the 100 million and more, because of his gifts and constant spoiling, but still! Wouldn't it be lonely with no one around? You did have friends but none you were close with. You weren't close with your family from the beginning so you didn't look for them at all. So... the only person you really had was Axel now. And even then, it would be a stretch because your relationship with him was contractual. At least from your point of view. Not once had you fallen for him in a romantic sense even though he made your heart flutter.

  But was it purely contractual from Axel's point of view? You didn't really know. You had suspected him of liking you, or even being obsessed with you, a while back but there was no way to confirm it. Sure you could just ask him straight up but you were too shy and prideful. What if he doesn't and it just ruins your relationship with him and he doesn't want to give you your 100 million? You couldn't risk that.

   ...So actually, nevermind. You don't want an extension. Even if it could be lonely, the cons outweigh the pros.

  Thus, maybe you'll find another rental boyfriend to entertain yourself with once this contract finishes. Who knows?

  "Sweetheart, you're dazing out. You alright?"

  Axel's words snap you out of your trance. You can't help but feel your cheeks heat up at his words. Ah! You had been caught dozing off! 

  "Y-yes! I'm fine... Just... thinking of my future, is all."

  "Ah... your future, huh?"

  The handsome man mumbles, shifting his position on the couch slightly so that he's facing you. His face displays a conflicted expression, seemingly deep in thought as he stares straight into your eyes. 

  "Why are you thinking of your future?"

  "W-well after our contract I'll be all alone and..."

  You couldn't bring yourself to finish your sentence, embarrassment burning in your cheeks as you break eye contact with him. Oh god, he's surely going to see you as some sort of lonely loser, isn't he? Oh god, what if he ends the contract and cuts the pay into 50 million? 

  But upon turning to face him, all you could do was freeze in your seat as you feel his eyes burning holes into your skull. His eyes, once bright and shiny, are now devoid of any emotion.

  "Ha... ha? A-Axel what's... wrong?"

  You awkwardly laugh out, touching his arm as you grow concerned. Was he upset that this contract was ending soon? He's not even responding- 

  You yelp in surprise as he suddenly kisses you, his cold hands gripping your forearms forcefully as your tongues intertwine. You feel yourself grow warm as he continues to kiss you, not giving you time to comprehend what was going on as his kisses grow more desperate.

  "Axel- Ha... Wa-wait-"

  "Can't we extend the contract? I do not wish to part from your side just yet..."

  He mumbles, pulling away from you as his eyes trail down to your swollen lips. His thumb brushes against them, touch gentle, yet hiding something ever so devious behind them.

  You stare at him, panting slightly as you consider his offer. Sure... You did just think about how you actually wanted to be with him for a longer period of time but... That was just a joke, no? You didn't actually want to be with him for any longer!

  Axel Lancaster... How much do you actually know about him? All you really know is that he is a rich guy with a weird liking for you. No, liking is too light of a word to describe him. Obsession would be a better choice. 

  You see, after that last event of him asking his childhood friend to back off, you couldn't just see him as rich and handsome Axel anymore. No, now he had another side which you weren't sure whether or not you wanted to know better. Plus, with how his behaviour seems to be changing by the day... You're afraid there's more to him than just that fat wallet and pretty face of his.

  "You're all I need baby... You can't leave me so quickly..."

  He mumbles softly, caressing your cheek with his thumb as the look in his eyes soften. You lock eyes with his dark blue one, gazing into the dark pools of obsession before gulping. Ah, no, not today. You really could not handle this right now. Not at all.

  "Um okay time out, time out. I can't do this right now."

  With a sudden burst of adrenaline, you push him away and stand up as you place your hands on your hips and begin to walk to the room he had allowed you to reside in while staying at his place. Although, lately he has kind of forced you to stay in his room with him. A little weird but he never tried anything over than cuddling with you in his sleep so you didn't really mind.

  "W-wait where are you going?"

  "My room. I want time alone."

  And with that, you gently shut your door and lock it, not wanting him to disturb your peace.  He's just... a bit too clingy after all.

  You had only noticed how clingy and anxious he's gotten ever since your meeting with Mira that day. Not like you had contacted her or anything but still, it seemed like he was jealous or something. And it was like he was acting on that jealousy.

  Constantly following you around, asking for constant reassurance that you loved him, and even more showering of gifts... Was he trying to get your attention? Oh well, you didn't really mind because it also seemed like he's not bringing you to meet anyone else anytime soon.

  Really, all he's done as of late was... bring you to spend his money, make you love him, and keep you in his luxury penthouse. 

  You weren't really complaining to be honest. You have everything you could ever want in here. But it's a little suspicious because he seems reluctant to let you out by yourself. You're a grown adult for god's sake. 

  And with his feelings for you that are appearing to be solidifying... Shit, what if he turns out to be like one of those yanderes like in those fanfics you read when you were younger?

  You can't help but sigh, laying down on the soft bed as you think about your time with Axel. Well... It was fun. But all fun things come to an end eventually. And maybe it would do him some good if he took time away from you after the contract ends. He's getting too... clingy. You wouldn't want this to develop into something unhealthy. 

  You shut your eyes, relishing in the silence of the room as your breathing slows. Just one more month...

  "Man... I really hope he isn't obsessed."

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 15 ⏰

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100 days to love ― m. yandere x f. readerWhere stories live. Discover now