Episode 4

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  Two weeks had passed since you put down your dignity to act like a dog for Axel. Two weeks had passed since you practiced your obsessive girlfriend act with Axel and yet, your anxiety only grew by the day.

  You and Axel stand outside the gates of a mansion, loitering around as you refuse to step inside. No way! You were too anxious! You were literally shaking and stuff! You'd just embarrass yourself if you went in! Of course, your contract boyfriend notices this.

  Why wouldn't he? He notices everything about you after all.

  "Relax, it's just a small socialite gathering. You don't have to even say a word, all you've got to do is hang off my arm and love me."

  Axel hums, tucking a stray strand of hair behind your ear. But despite his reassurance, you can't help but feel nervous. Why didn't he tell you that his definition of small was a hundred people?!

  That's a whole ass room of people and ge called that small! You were expecting maybe ten or twenty, not a hundred! Of course you'd be anxious!

  Like, that's a hundred people who'll know you as a crazy obsessive girlfriend! A hundred!

  You nervously chew on your bottom lip, playing with your fingers as Axel adjusts his tie. He then turns his handsome features towards you, bending down to be eye level with you before placing both hands on you cheeks and whispering sweet nothings. The smell of his sandalwood cologne wafts by you, easing you slightly as the rich genius calms you down.

  "Sweetheart please don't worry. You'll be fine. Trust me."

  He mumbles, rubbing his fingers on your cheek slowly before pressing a soft kiss to your forehead. His warm full lips make you freeze up, brain momentarily out of order as you process his actions. Ah... even after he kissed and held you so many times before you can't get used to his touch, can you?

  You feel your cheeks heat up, face red as you do your best to maintain composure. Calm down! You're okay! You'll be fine! After regulating your breath, you bring your attention back to Axel as he smiles down at you. Pearly whites and cute dinples adorning his handsome face before he chuckles and squeezes your cheeks.

  "You ready?"

  He asks, voice velvety as he pulls away from your face to offer you his arm. You accept shyly, nodding as you and him walk into the mansion that just oozes of rich people.

  Upon stepping in, you feel yourself clutching Axel's arm tighter. What the hell?! You just stepped in and now there's a swarm of people crowding you?!

  You feel yourself growing flustered again, whimpering unconsciously as Axel tries to calm the crowd.

  "Everyone please calm down. Yes, this is my lovely girlfriend. But she's a little shy today. Aren't you, baby?"

  He mumbles, voice soft as he looks down at you to stroke your cheek with his free hand. That simple action immediately soothes you, a familiar feeling in a sea of unfamiliarity. Obviously you nod to his statement, wanting the people to back away as you look up towards your handsome fake boyfriend with a pleading expression.

  He seems to understand it immediately, not wasting a second breath as he requests everyone around you two to give some space. His tone was slightly shaky however, the tips of his ears red. Was he embarrassed?

  "But Axel~ Your little girlfriend... She's adorable."

  Amidst the crowd of people, a woman's voice sounds out. It's oddly soothing, something you wouldn't expect from someone who looks like she'd rip you to shreds.

100 days to love ― m. yandere x f. readerWhere stories live. Discover now