I'm only cryptic and Machiavellian 'cause I care

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The rest of the interviews were boring. I don't see any competition besides my allies and the boy from 4, but you never know.

I took the longest shower tonight, not only trying to get the stupid makeup off but just thinking that in less than 24 hours I will be in that arena. I am so thankful for the pills Mel somehow has sent me. I wanted to take one to sleep but I wanted to think about my life just incase tonight was my last night alive. I wanted to think of the good moments, when my family was all together and my mom was alive. I just wonder how I ever ended up here, tears rolled down my face and I couldn't take it. I took the pill and went to sleep. Escaping my mind.

The next morning

"Ayva!" I heard. It was Trish

"I have your arena outfit. Put it on and eat breakfast." Trish said

She put the outfit on my dresser and I sprung up to see what it was. A arena outfit means what type of arena it will be.

There was snow pants, winter boots, a shirt, and a jacket.


Well I knew it wasn't going to be a hot or desert type arena because they did that last year but I cannot stand the cold. I freeze so much at home I have no idea how bad this is going to be.

I put the outfit on and I really cannot believe this was actually happening. The prep team was here, just for my hair nothing else. It's not like im going to wear makeup in the arena.

"Anyway you want your hair?" The girl asked.

"No just make sure it lasts me long please." I said.

"You bet." She said back with a wink.

She put my hair in a ponytail but with 2 braids at the top of my head that fades into the ponytail. I really liked it, if only I had my own prep team back at home instead of throwing my hair up in a sloppy ponytail.

I ate breakfast and tried to fit as much food as I can but when I am nervous I can barley eat. Magnus was trying To do the same thing.

"They have to go." Enobaria stated.

I said my goodbyes to the prep team and Trish.

My heart sunk. I am actually leaving to go into the arena. I stood up seeing little black spots and feeling like I was going to pass out.

We walked to the hovercraft and my heart was beating so fast I couldn't feel anything in my body.

Me and Magnus separated and Enobaria went with him to send him off and I went with Brock.

"Ayva. You look like you have seen a ghost. Everyone believes in you and there is no need to be nervous. You and the careers have sponsors. Just make sure you have enough food and water and kill everyone you possibly can. Also don't forget what I told you on the first day, allies are temporary. You can do it." Brock said and pulled me into a hug.

"Thank you for everything and for believing in me." I said back almost crying.

"It's time to go, good luck I'll see you soon." He said and I walked towards the peacekeepers escorting me to the hovercraft. I got on, saw Elara, Caspian and Magnus already there. Elara gave me a nervous smile and I sat down next to her.

We didn't say anything. There were tributes all around us and we didn't want to give away any sort of information.

The whole ride to the the arena was silent, nobody said a word and I didn't expect anyone to.

All the tributes were separated to an underground tunnel where we rise up out of to see the arena for the first time. If you step off the pedestal a second before the clock hits 1 it will blow you to pieces.

Celeste was there waiting for me with a smile on her face.

"You got this. Everyone believes in you. I have not seen the arena but I'm guessing cold weather because of your outfit but don't panic there will be things in the arena and sponsor gifts to help you." She said with a smile.

I nodded my head.

"All tributes please make way inside your tubes." A voice male voice said.

Celeste gave me a reassuring smile and I went in. The tube started to lift and 5 seconds later I was blinded with the sight of the arena. It was so large. There was huge mountains filled with snow, I looked behind me and saw a snowy forest with bridges and other things I could not really make out. In front of me was the cornucopia filled with knives, bows, swords and more.

The countdown started. Some kids from the outline districts were crying. "Stick to the plan" I mouthed to Caspian who was next to me. He shook his head. Caspian was a complete idiotic wildcard but he was strong and fast.




I ran as fast as I could I grabbed a pack with food and water I grabbed a bunch of throwing knives and a smaller sword.

I spotted a boy looking through a bag, I came up behind him, used the sword and stabbed him. I had no idea what the boys were doing and if the plan was working but I did hear a lot of screaming.

"AGRHH" A tall girl came charging at me with a knife. Before she came any closer I pulled out a knife and threw it into her chest. She fell to her back and she was trying to get up. I grabbed the knife and kept stabbing her with it until she stopped moving.

I looked behind me and saw Magnus and Caspian tackling other tributes and attacking them by hand. It seems like the plan was working. Elara had a good amount of weapons and I saw her kill a boy. I saw other tributes fighting as well.

2 girls were screaming carrying bags running behind me. I got out 2 more knives and they both got hit in the back with them.

"No please stop!!" One of them yelled.

It was too late and I had to finish them off.

The cornucopia had cleared and there was still a variety of weapons left for the boys.

"We killed and wounded some but we need to finish them off!" Magnus yelled while grabbing weapons and running back.

"How many did you kill? Elara asked with panic in her eyes and she was shortened of breath.

"I got 4 how many did you get?" She asked.

"2" She replied and we ran to the boys.

They had killed only a few and had to finish them off with their weapons.

"We need to get out of here so the hovercraft can take their bodies." I said.

They agreed and we ran into the snowy forest.

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