We were born to be the pawn In every lover's game

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I woke up to my alarm clock blaring. I didn't tell my dad I was volunteering today but I think he knows somehow. Well if these are my last few moments in 2 I better make the most of it. I looked at some photos of my mother and dad back when he was healthy. I miss those times more than ever. I went to the kitchen and only made a light breakfast because I really have no appetite.
My dad gave me a smile and complimented my reaping dress. I just bought it special for today.
"Thanks dad how are you feeling?" I asked.
"Terrible knowing you're going in that arena." He said sadly.
"How do you know?" I questioned.
" I got a bill from the academy and it said it was the last one, so I know you're going in." He replied.
"Well we've got to go." I said quickly.
He nodded and we took the bus to the square where the reaping was held. We were both silent the whole time.
When we got there my dad wished me luck and I went to the 16 year olds section.
"Give me your finger" A lady said sternly.
She pricked my finger and a little blood came out.
"You may go" She said.
We all waited for  everyone to finish  getting checked in. There was a huge stage and panem flags everywhere with huge screens too.
Soon enough Trish Wills walked onto the stage in her big capital hair and makeup. Trish is District 2s escort.
"Welcome to the reaping ceremony for this year's 65th hunger games! Today I will pick one lucky boy and one lucky girl to compete in this year's games. As always ladies first" Trish beamed.
"Mya Pyons" Trish yelled.
"I VOLUNTEER!" I yelled as loud as I could and ran up onto the stage.
"Well well quite persistent aren't you! What's your name?" She asked.
"Ayva Kelworth." I stated confidently.
I saw the girls who bullied me in school laughing at me and whispering. What cowards. I wanted to prove them wrong so bad.
Now I saw Magnus in the crowd. He didn't look too good. He looked nervous and like he was going to puke.
" Amazing! Now for the boys."Trish said
"Mason Evell" She said.
" I volunteer." Magnus said almost softly and made his way up to the stage.
"Well great! 2 volunteers this year. What's your name?" Trish asked
"Magnus Gunn" He replied somberly.
"You may shake hands now!" She said.
Me and Magnus looked at eachother and shook hands. It was kind of awkward since we haven't talked since that day when he offered me a ride.
I was taken into a room and my dad came in.
"Ayva , please win. You are all I have left. I love you." He said sadly.
"Dad!" I yelled and gave him a hug.
"I will win I promise you. When I will you will never have to work again and worry about medical bills." I said happily.
"You will be okay, you are strong. Make it back to me Ayva." He said with tears in his eyes.
"I will dad" I said while pulling him into a hug.
"That's time!"A peacekeeper yelled and took me into the train.
That was the end of 2... For now.. Hopefully.

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