The first night that you saw me

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District 2, the only place i've ever been. I don't mind it. I know that there's other districts out there who have it worse, starving even. The thing that sets district 2 apart from the others is that we train for the hunger games. District 1 also does but let's be real..  the girls are all barbie's from what i've seen and die after 2 days every year. The boys usually do well and are like the District 2 boys, hardworking and trained with weaponry. The girls from 2 also do well but the female victors compared to male is very slim and there's only a handful actually.
I'm 16, this year needs to be the year I go into the games. Watching it since I was 8, all i've ever wanted was the crown on my head and the glory that comes with being a victor. But now I want to win for a different reason. My dad has to work a lot at his masonry job, even though he has multiple health problems and he's really sick but somebody needs to keep the lights on. I want to do this for him so he can get the help he needs and stop working. My mother died when I was 12, she was giving birth and the baby and my mother both passed due to complications. I was going to have a little sister, her name would have been Penelope. After that happened, I was never the same. I was shy and no body wanted to be my friend and I was often picked on in school growing up. That's another reason why I want to volunteer, to prove the people who picked on me wrong and make them regret what they did to me. They don't train, they get everything handed to them on a silver platter. I don't see a life without me being in the games because it's the only opportunity i'm gonna get for a better life for myself and my dad. I don't care if I die in that arena, i'm giving it my all.

It was summer and the reaping was quickly approaching, my name and a few others were in the contention on becoming this year's district 2 tribute since there can only be one girl and boy. I put on leggings and a tank top and sneakers, grabbed my bag and ran out the house to make it to the bus on time. The training academy is about a 20 minute ride from my house, I wish I lived closer or had a car to drive but there's no way we can afford that. Today the candidates meet with the heads of whatever this is..Mayor.. I don't even know but they are important people when it comes to the games. When I got there I put my things down in the locker room and headed out to the main gym where there was every type of weapon possible. I saw my trainer Mel in a mood as always. We haven't always had the best relationship, but she is like a second mom to me. She would always push me to train and work harder. Even making me cry when I was younger. Looking back at that I cringe on how weak I was and wish i never was like that. I guess it's tough love.
"Ayva go upstairs and tell Lionel you're here and are ready for the meeting" Mel said.
I shook my head and went upstairs, I found Lionel sitting in his desk as he always does, writing checks or whatever and told him I was here. He led me into a room with people who looked really.. really rich.
"Hi" I said nervously. I really felt intimated by these people oh my god.
"What's your name?" A man asks.
"Ayva Kelworth" I responded.
"Have a seat" He said back.
I sat down on the couch and saw my hands shaking, I was so nervous.
"So Ayva, a woman says. Why would you like to represent district 2 in this year's games?"
" I want to represent district 2 in the best light possible and I think I am strong enough to make our district proud and win it." I stated.
"You think you can win? Well what's your weapon of choice?" She questioned back.
"Uhh well I mean i'm good at everything." I stated nervously.
They all were just looking at eachother like I had 10 heads. Okay maybe that wasn't a good answer.
Thank god somebody else walks into the room to break up the awkward silence. It was Magnus. Magnus was a year older than me and is well.. Super cute. I've always thought he was attractive but never spoke to him. He is a huge player and there's no way he'd like someone like me.
"Is this a bad time" Magnus asks.
"No come on in we were just finishing up." The lady stated.
Oh god this wasn't a good sign they basically just kicked me out.
I said my thank yous to them and left. The rest of training was awful, I couldn't get what I said out of my head and how I possibly ruined my chances this year.

MASTERMIND- 65th hunger gamesWhere stories live. Discover now