If you fail to plan, you plan to fail

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The past 2 days went by extremely fast. The training was good, I kept on impressing everyone with all of the stations. Caspian didn't cause anymore problems, the only problem he had was most of the combat stations. He threw knives that barely hit, same with spears. He was the most vocal but he was the weakest in our career alliance. Elara and I have gotten closer, she's very skilled with weaponry and even with the short time we've spent together, She's been the best friend i've ever had. It's just easy talking and laughing with her. It brings tears to my eyes thinking about if I win she is going to have to die. The Hunger Games is so bittersweet. You loose people but you gain a new life of freedom and fortune if you win.

My alliance and I made a plan(Mostly made up by me) to get as many tributes out in the bloodbath. Elara and I would go into the cornucopia, getting our weapons and killing the people who were there. The boys would run out and catch as many people running away from the cornucopia, try and kill them with their bare hands and if not, injure them enough to come back to them after they got our weapons.

We didn't even tell our mentors this. I bet it is going to shock everyone when we go in.

Today we would be scored on a scale of 1-12 by the game makers and some other people.
I had some lunch and Enobaria told us it was time to go.
I was so nervous. Getting a good score and impressing the sponsors is a huge advantage when being sponsored.All I could feel was worry. I thought about my dad and how i'm doing this for him. There was no time to feel scared, I needed to get my head in the game.
We headed down stairs and District 1 was walking up stairs and we crossed paths.
"Good luck" Elara whispered and tapped me on my back.
I smiled back and before I knew it Magnus and I were in the waiting room for our evaluation.
"Ayva Kelworth" A voice called.
"Good luck. Even though you don't need it." Magnus said and gave me a smile.
"Thank you, you too." I said and walked into the gymnasium.
It was the same as the training but just more eyes on me.
A man which i'm presuming is the head gamemaker welcomed me and told me I had 15 minutes to show off my skills.
I started with the bow first, I grabbed it and went the furthest I could away from the target. I didn't even think I just shot it and it hit dead center. Applause rose from the crowd.
I made my way over to the knives and did the same thing I did in training.
I picked up the knives and started throwing. 1st one hit and then so on. All 5 were dead center. Another applause rose but this time louder.
The applause made me feel good. I made my way over to the spears and went furthest away from the target again and threw it. It hit and the applause came again.
"Thank you Ayva, amazing job. You are free to leave." The man said with a smile.
"Thank you." I replied and walked out to see Brock standing outside with a huge smile on his face.
"AMAZING JOB AYVA!"He yelled and pulled me into a hug.
"That's gonna score a huge number! They all loved you!" He beamed.
"How did you see? I thought mentors weren't allowed to watch?" I asked.
"Says who? There was a window so I just looked in it." He replied.
"Oh well thank you i'm so happy right now you have no idea." I said with a smile.
"You should be, go upstairs and i'll be there after Magnus is done." He said.
I nodded and walked back into our apartment with nothing but happiness and relief in my mind.

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