Chapter 17: The Execution

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I woke up with tears in my eyes. I wish I could go back to my wife's warm embrace but alas, it was the day. Today was the date of my execution. The guard came up to my cell to let me out. When he let me out, the guard put handcuffs on me. I kept on walking as I went through the prison to get to the execution room. When I got in, I saw a table and next to the table there was a couple nurses and doctors. I guess I was to be killed with lethal injection. I got ordered to lay down on the cot when a couple nurses felt my arm. It felt like a normal doctors visit except for there was a glass window. On the other side was the detective. He watched me like a hawk with his prey.

They brought out a couple tubes with needles on the other side. After getting them together, they began to stick the needles in my arm. I felt a slight pinch which made me flinch a little bit. After they stuck them in, I waited. I waited for them to inject me but it took a while. When they finally did it, I didn't feel anything. I looked to the people and I couldn't believe my eyes. I had seen my past victims and my wife. They all sat there looking at me. I began to feel tired but it wasn't that I was tired. It was that I was dying. This is where I took my final breath.

Detective Daniels POV

I saw Richard die on the cot. I have seen many people go but this time was different. I felt a sense of pride knowing that he was gone. That he couldn't hurt anymore women. I walked out of the room to start heading back. I needed to go to the station to get my things. As I walked outside the sky was a dark grey color. All I could see were the clouds. I took a deep breath and it felt good. It always feels nice to take a breath of fresh air. I don't know why but it always calmed me down. I got in the car and called Mike. I told him that I was heading back. He responded with a quick ok. I got to the station with Mike holding a cat. I asked him "Mike, where the hell did you get a cat from"? Mike responded " I found the cat in Richards room sir. I don't know what to do with her".

I looked at the cat with sympathy. I knew the cat needed a home, and so I took it with me. I gave the cat some room in my room but I couldn't help but to think about Richard. I looked him up some more and found out his wife died of suicide. That doesn't justify what he did but I can't help but to think if that's why he did all of this. He seemed like a cocky asshole but I don't know. I decided to brush it off and to head to bed. I petted Hailey before I went to bed.

As I went to the bed that night, I finally could relax knowing that we won.

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