Chapter 5: The Body that was found

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Staring at what I had done, I knew I had to get rid of it. But how? I put the body in a trash bag and set it to the side. I thought about how to get rid of it. I knew that I didn't want it to be near the one I had previously. Just in case if it gets found. I went upstairs to turn on the news to find out what I had feared the most. Someone had found the body. The person who had found it said that he had stepped on it. I grew with anger. He stepped on my work like it was garbage. The fuck does he think he is?

I marched downstairs to grab the garbage bag. I reached the top of the stairs when I was calming down. If I had kept my anger, they would have grown suspicous. I kept to myself and put the trash bag in the backseat. I drove to a nearby forest and hiked the trail. When it came to a reasonable stop, I buried the bag in the forest. I wanted to make sure it couldn't be found. After I had done that, I hiked back to the car. I let out a deep breath as I got into my car. My phone went off with a text message from my job. I read it with a disappointment in my eyes. I had to go back to work today. I was happy to make money though. I went back home to get ready for work. As I got dressed, I went to grab my phone to check the time. It read as 5:30. I was running a little late but I wasn't to worried. They couldn't afford to fire me. After 10 minutes, I hopped in my car to drive off to work. As I arrived there, my boss welcomed me. "Welcome back kid"! I responded with " It's good to be back".

He put on a reassuring smile as I walked by. I began my shift quickly as people were coming in by the dozen. I was serving drinks left and right. I felt happy about being back. But there was also a sense of pride missing. A feeling only felt by killing. I looked around to all the women in the room. None of them looked good enough. Until I finally saw one. She was almost perfect. She came up to the booth and ordered a cocktail. I made it with a smile on my face. "Here you go ma'am". She turned back and responded with " Thanks". Along with a wink. I knew I had to have her. It was almost like I needed her. I looked at the time again and it read 10:30. Only 1 hour to go. Then I could get her. Little did I know, the hour came over quickly. Me and the girl walked out at the same time. We were walking side by side through an ally way. I knew this was my chance. I went up behind and covered her mouth. She was trying to get out of my grasp but I kept grabbing on her. After a while she passed out. I grabbed her and put her in the trunk. I quickly drove off towards my house and put her in the basement. I looked at her with perfection. I touched her lips with desire. They were soft. I kissed her, feeling up on her ass. She hadn't even woke up yet and I already wanted a taste of her. I placed her on the bed and chained her arms and legs.

When she wakes up, is when I'll truly get a taste.

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