Chapter 2: The First Victim

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As I drove up to my house, I wondered what to do with the girl. I knew she was bound to wake up any minute, so I had to act fast. I picked her up and took her to the basement. I had chained her up to a mattress I had put down there previously due to having a friend over. I looked at her again and smiled. In my eyes it was like falling in love all over again. But I knew it wasn't real. I miss Amelia. So much. I knew that the girl I had now was only temporary. Yet I still longed into her eyes as I hoped that she will love me that same as my wife has.

She had woken up after a few hours. I heard her faint screams from the basement. I walked downstairs with some water for her. She saw me and whispered "What do you want from me?" "I want you", I responded. She was shocked and tears fells from her eyes. "Are you thirsty?", I asked. She nodded and I opened the water bottle for her. She opened her mouth as she let me pour water in. As she swallowed, she had stopped crying. I went to go back upstairs when I heard her yell "Wait!"

I turned around to hear her say "I want to go home. Please let me go." I looked at her blankly. I went upstairs to her crying. I knew that she wouldn't want to stay. "Maybe she isn't the one...." I mumbled to myself. I could still her her faint cries of help but I wasn't too pressed about it. I knew that she couldn't be healed from the outside world and that was enough for me. I thought: What would I even do if she wasnt the one? I kept thinking of gruesome thoughts and got scared. I didn't get scared of doing it, I got scared of the thoughts in general. Was I really going to kill her? Maybe. I looked at what day it was and relised that I didn't have work for the next two days. I was relieved. I was more relieved on the fact that I could see if she was the one or not.

I went back downstairs to her laying down. She had been worn out from screaming. I wanted to ask her a few questions. Such as her name. I asked her "What's your name?" She gave me a confused look but then responded with "Cynthia, Cynthia Rhynes". I stared at her with awe. "What a pretty name." I said. She smiled but then frowned again. "What's wrong?" I asked. She started crying again saying that she wanted to go home again. At this point I was annoyed. "The only way your going home is if your dead!" I yelled. She cried even more. I left her in pitch darkness.

She went on for about 30 minutes till I would have had enough. I took the kitchen knife and stormed off downstairs. I started yelling at her to stop but this made her cry even more. Without even thinking, I stabbed her. I kept on stabbing fueled by my blind rage. I looked at what I had done when I heard silence. I saw the horror of what I had done. The pool of blood on the floor, the knife, and partly my clothes sickened me. But at the same time I felt a sort of power in myself. For once in my life, I had control. It was like I was pulling the strings. It felt good. I took the knife out and licked it. It tasted good.

I started laughing as I knew what I needed to do. I took the body and threw it in a plastic bag. With a smile on my face, I took the bag to the car and drove to the nearest river. I tied a couple bricks on it and watched it sink. The smile that I had was gone. Knowing that the joy was over.

At least for now.

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