Chapter 8: Back at it Again

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I woke up the next morning and decided to go to the pet store. I still needed to get stuff for Hailey. As I put my shoes on, Hailey had woken up. She let out a small yawn and came towards me. I peted her for a little bit and then headed out. It dawned on me that I needed a list. I thought long and hard about what I needed. On my list were the following: cat litter, litter box, cat food, and maybe a few cat toys. I think this is all I need so far.

I arrived at the pet store and the first thing I saw was a pure white husky. He pointed his nose to me and I went out to pet him. He let me pet him and then he went away. How strange I thought. I went to the cat food section and looked at all the different options. I wondered to my self on which one I should get. I ended up deciding on the second cheapest one. I crossed off cat food and went over to the cat litter section. As I walked in, I saw a beautiful girl. She looked similar to the others. That's when the hunger kicked in again. The deep feeling of needing to have her kicked in. I grabbed a random cat litter and litter box and walked over to the check out lane. I saw her still in the litter box section. I wanted to put all of this in my car so that I'll be ready for when she walks out. Soon after I put everything in, I saw her run out. She went in her car and it looked like she grabbed something. I saw what her car had looked like.

It was a deep blue truck. It didn't look half bad. I went to her car and checked to see if it was unlocked. It was indeed unlocked. I popped the trunk and looked inside. I saw where the battery was and after a long hesitation, I unhooked it. As I unhooked it, I looked inside to see if she was still there. It looked like she was talking to the clerk inside. A friend maybe? It didn't matter at this point. I hopped in my car and parked it right next to hers. Let the show begin.

I saw her walk out after a little bit and couldn't help but smile. I knew she wasn't going to be able to start it. Sure enough, she couldn't. She looked worried and sat back in the drivers west. I got out of the car and went up to the window. "Can I help you?" She asked with a uncertain tone in her voice. I looked at her and asked "Do you need help starting your car"? Her face lit up as she said " Yes, can you please help me"? I gave her a nod and she got out of her car. She followed in to my trunk to watch what I did. As she got close to the back, I hit her in the back of the head. I kept on hitting her until she was unconscious. When she became unconscious, I stuffed her in the trunk of my car. I smiled even more knowing that my plan had worked. I was a little worried that somebody inside had heard what was going on so I speed off.

I got home and brought the girl inside the basement. After I knew she wasn't going anywhere, I went to get the other stuff out. I wanted to get everything set up for Hailey before I talk to the girl down stairs. I had set everything up and even made a corner for her food and water bowl. I wanted to make sure she was going to stay in the room while I talk to the girl.

I wouldn't want her to get in my way now that I've come so far.

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