Info (1): Sin Vessels

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AN: Just posting it here so that in case I may delete my notes for this fanfic, I would have a copy here.

This is a very spoiler territory info chapter.....

Don't proceed if you don't want to be spoiled.

I will update this chapter from time to time in the future if I would add some information or change something.


Sin Vessels:

→ A mysterious objects containing abilities that existed since the Ancient Times.
→ All of the Sin Vessels are said to be created artificially.
→ The Sin Vessels don't have any elemental attribute
→ It was said that All sin vessels are sentient
→ Use of the Sin Vessels "corrupts" the soul of the Sin Vessel Users
→ Sin Vessel users can collect other Sin Vessels
→ Despite being nonattribute, Sin Vessels users are affected by Light Magic
→ All Sin Vessel Users can transfer into a Devil Form
→ An Ancient Power User can't use a Sin Vessel

Pride Sin Vessel:

• 4 objects

1. Pride of Authority

Object: Compact Mirror

Ability Name: “ Kneel to me ”

Ability Type: Status Type

→ To activate the ability, the keyword “ Kneel to me “ must be said.
→ To use the Sin Vessel, the user must have a hundred-year-plus royal bloodline history background

User: Alexis Crossman

Devil: Marie Annette

2. Pride of Timidity

Object: Story Book

Ability Name: “ The Greatest Fear ”

Ability Type: Status/ Debuff Type

User: ???

Devil: ????

3. Pride of Vanity

Object: Crown

Ability Name: " You are nothing without me "

Ability Type: Enhancement

User: ????

Devil: ???

4. Pride of Self-Pity

Object: Vanity Mirror

Ability Name:  " Understand my plight "

Ability Type: Status Type

→ Activating the ability with the keyword "understand my plight", affected targets would be within 1 km proximity to the Sin Vessel User

User: Alexis Crossman

Demon: Rehan



1. Lust of the Flesh

Object: A species of magical flower

Ability Name: “Unleash the Beast”

Ability Type: Status/ Debuff

User: None

Devil: ???

2. Lust of the Eyes

Object: Necklace

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