Chapter 12: The Count's family worries

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Chapter 12: The Count's family worries

When the morning came into the Henituse Castle, with an already awake Gavin, Allen and his servant took their leave in Henituse Household and their territory.

Count Deruth didn't hold any banquet or any grandiose type of saying goodbye to the 4th prince. He already knows that the 4th Prince Alexis would hate it. Disliking it, because it goes against Prince Alexis's incognito travels.

When the 4th Prince left, the only thing that Deruth could do was to ensure that no rumors regarding of 4th Prince's visit would lurk around and spread in the Henituse Territory. The thing that happened would also remain a secret between him, Cale, Ron, Hans, Basen, and possibly Violan. Even knowing that the truth about what happened would break her heart.

Count Deruth sighed as he watched the certain carriage leave the premises of the Henituse Castle.

To keep it a secret, Count Deruth and the others wouldn't say anything about the Devil and Basen's incident. But from now on, Count Deruth and the others would be wary of any ancient object lurking around on his territory. And possibly, his family could find a mage with high-light magic affinity so that Deruth could avoid any Devil incident from happening again to his family and territory.

" There are 7 types of Devil Count Deruth but I am not certain how many devils currently exist somewhere and are sealed in items. It was a surprise for me when I learned that there are 4 Devils of Pride. The 7 types of Devils are Lust, Gluttony, Pride, Sloth, Envy, Greed and Wrath. The Devil represents the deadly sins. Devils who have specialized abilities by the sins they represent. "

To the 4th's prince task of Devil Hunting, Count Deruth wishes for the 4th Prince's success but he has no wish to involve himself and his family further. And to deepen any connections to the prince- he does not need it.

The reason for it wasn't because the fourth prince was the least favored by the King and those few people who supported the 4th prince were those who wished to control the Roan Kingdom if Prince Alexis won. Even before the 4th prince declared his withdrawal from the succession on his recent 14th birthday, Count Deruth didn't want to involve his family in the Royal Affairs.

As long as his family lives a comfortable life and away from danger, Deruth is satisfied.

Recently, a burden has also been lifted from Deruth. When Basen was possessed, Cale was there trying his best to gain his little brother back.

With Cale's reputation as trash and Cale not spending his time at the family table, there was a dark thought in his subconscious wondering if Cale hated him and their current family.

But seeing how hard Cale tried to bring Basen back and assist Prince Alexis during the incident, that subconscious doubt disappeared.

Next time, even if it was a brief thought,  Deruth shouldn't allow any doubts to appear in his mind regarding his precious son. Even though Cale was acting as trash and a drunkard, Cale was still his precious son.

The child who has comforted his useless father grieving for his first wife. The child wasn't prepared when he suddenly took a new wife and brought her son with her.

At that time, there was also a brief thought that appeared in Deruth. Does Cale think that he is replacing his mother?

But despite the sudden changes and Deruth falling in love with Violan and bringing them home, Cale still welcomed Basen into their family.

How could he have forgotten that?

And it wasn't just those things, Deruth should remember the reports that Ron brought to him regarding Cale's trashy and drunkard behavior. Since he started drinking, there has never been a day that Cale has harmed any innocent person.

Cale is someone who cares for this family and Deruth shouldn't have allowed those subconscious doubts to appear.

While Deruth was staring outside the window to his office, there was a knock on the door.

" Enter. "

The door opened and it revealed Hans. The servant entered the room.

" Master, I apologize for the intrusion. I came here to inform you that young Master Basen was awake. "

" Thank you, I would go into Basen's room for a moment. You could go back now to your current duties.  "

" As you wish! "

Hans smiled before leaving Deruth's office. The Count glances briefly at the window before leaving the room with a brief thought in his mind.

‘ It wasn't just Cale that I was neglecting but also Basen. Even Prince Alexis said that it wasn't our fault, I should have noticed Basen's behavior. I didn't notice that he had been neglecting himself. He was working hard and tiring himself out with his studies and helping with duties and responsibilities. ’

Sighing with a forlorn expression, Deruth left his office. Meanwhile, on a certain carriage that was leaving the Henituse Territory, Alexis was looking at the vanity mirror that was reduced to a small size. Something that he can hold in his hand. The vanity mirror is covered from it's every nook and cranny with a lot of paper. It is sealed and can't cause any danger again unless the paper seals it would be removed.

And Allen would ensure that it wouldn't happen.

" Self-Pity.. "

Allen murmured. Tasting those words on his tongue. To think that pride would form itself in this way.

Allen can't comprehend and understand this feeling at all. Self-Pity. It was strange for him.

In his past life, he does not need such thoughts. Everything in his past life, he dedicated it to his selfish sister Riliane and Allen doesn't regret any of it.

Even Riliane has turned a new leaf and lived the rest of her life with regrets— Those things didn't make Allen happy at all. He hoped that Riliane selfishly live her life. But at the same time, Allen was proud of her even though it was heartbreaking to know her fate.

Shaking those thoughts away, Allen thought of his current circumstances. He was now Prince Alexis. In feeling self-pity, Allen wasn't certain if the former Alexis was capable of it.

The Fourth Prince Alexis used to live his life as an emotionless doll until Allen occupied his body.

Prince of Pride (Evillious Chronicle × Trash of the Count's Family fanfic)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora