Problems in Life

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Bothers and Sisters remember that this whole life, according to our religion is a life of tests and trials and therefore, everyone of us will be tested and tried in different ways.

The one major mechanism to overcome and PASS THOSE TESTS AND TRIALS IS WHAT?


That is why Allah says in Qur'an [2:45] "Seek Allah's Help when you face the calamaties". When you have any problems, seek Allah's help.

LIFE is difficult, you need HELP


Allah mentions 2 things, "Seek help through Sabr (Patience) and through Salah (Prayer).

Our Mother Aisha (RA) said, Whenever our Prophet (saw) was troubled with anything, whenever something bothered Him, He would rush to stand in Salah. Salah would make him calm. Salah would make him conquer those problems, those fears, those frustrations.

So Patience and Salah are the 2 things that Allah has told us to seek help in and also realize that beautiful, verse in the Qur'an that Allah tells us [Qur'an70:5].


So Patience is of levels and the highest level is a beautiful patience and a beautiful patience is one when people don't even realize that you're being patience. That is the perfection of Patience, nobody can see you're frustrated, you're agitated, you're feeling anger, you have mastered it so much that only Allah knows and that is the Perfection which Allah says in Qur'an.

Perfect your patience until it's is beautiful patience

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