Event 12: Blade Dancer's Debut

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After Y/n healed Layla, everything went back to normal.

Y/n - It's a good thing I healed her.

Zilong - Yeah. I don't even know she was this cheerful. Always full of energy and all.

Y/n - Yeah hahaha. He chuckled.

When he looked up through the sky, suddenly, a blade is falling towards him.

Y/n - Guys! Watch out!

Y/n quickly made a sphere of protection to his friends and moved it away from him.

Miya - Y/n! She yelled with concern.

Y/n - Don't worry Miya! I'll handle her! Just stay there!

He then faced the person who threw the blade.

Y/n - It's so nice to meet you finally, Blade Dancer.

Blade Dancer - Heh. Likewise.

Y/n - And it seems that the orb's control and power is getting stronger, huh? He said to himself soft enough not to hear by the Blade Dancer.

With Miya and the rest

Tigreal - There she goes, my biological sister.

Nana - You mean Fanny, right?

Tigreal - Yeah.

Miya - I am hoping Fanny will not kill Y/n. She said sadly.

Alucard - Hey. Fanny killing Y/n? That is impossible. I know for sure Y/n is strong enough that he alone can defeat her regardless of her agility. She was also being controlled by the orb that Y/n is always talking about.

Miya - I know.

Alucard - So don't doubt him, okay?

Miya - Okay, I'm just going to put my trust to him. Y/n, hang in there.

Back to Y/n

Y/n get the blade that was struck on the ground making the Blade Dancer annoyed.

Blade Dancer - Hey you. Put your filthy hands away from my blade. She warned him.

Y/n - Hmmm? How about..... No. And my hands are pure.

Blade Dancer - Tch. Fine. Let's have a match, last warrior standing wins. How about that?

Y/n - Oooooh. I like that. Here. *as he toss the blade back to the owner* I am thinking that when I fight you with your own blade, that will put you into a huge disadvantage so I'd rather fight and defeat you by my own hands. Isn't it, Fanny?

Fanny - Tch. You even knew my name even though this is the first time that I met you and your annoying attitude.

Y/n - Heh. I'll tell you later why when I defeat you.

Fanny - In your dreams.

Y/n - You may take the first move. *as he proceed to his fighting stance*

Fanny - Heh. You'll regret facing me.

Fanny rushed to her opponent at her full with the help of her equipment, ready to slice Y/n into half.

Fanny - You're going to die today, scum!!

She slashes her blades to her opponent, but before it can make contact to Y/n's body, the blades were shattered into million pieces.

Fanny gasped in horror and shock as those blades where the only ones that her father gave to her and it was quite special to her. Additionally, she doesn't have any spare blades with her.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07 ⏰

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