Event 11: Y/n's New Power

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Y/n - Me and Miya just arrived here recently.

Clint called Y/n.

Clint - Hey Y/n. Let's go to the house for a while.

Y/n - Okay...

As Clint and Y/n entered the house, Y/n began the conversation and they sat on the chairs sitting next with each other.

Y/n - Am I hearing things correctly or not?

Clint - I don't think you have hearing disorder or something and yes, what Layla said is true.

Y/n - *gasps* What do you mean?

Clint - And my guess is correct all this time. Layla has a crush on you. I don't know when unfortunately.

Y/n couldn't believe what he just heard.

Y/n - I can't believe it. Here I thought, I would never have a girlfriend for eternity and now I heard this? The turn of events is so unreal. He said shocked.

Clint - Believe it or not, I am saying the truth and we all heard her so Layla can't deny anymore. You just have to ask her why and how she fall in love with you.

Y/n took a big and deep sigh.

Y/n - Alright. I can do this. I hope she will accept me.

Clint patted his back gently and said his reassuring words,

Clint - Don't worry bro. She will always accept you no matter who you are. Besides, love choose no one unless both of you really love each other. Last thing, don't ever doubt yourself.

Y/n - Yeah I know that. But one thing I've always wondering.

Clint - And what is it?

Y/n - I just met her 4 days ago. How come she fell in love with me that fast? Is this what you call love at first sight?

Clint - Uhh.... Maybe. I don't know. Like I said, you just need to ask her.

Y/n - Okay.

Clint - Look, I'm not rushing you or anything okay? I only said that but that doesn't mean you need to ask her immediately. Ask her when the time is right.

Y/n - Got it. Thanks Clint. For believing in me.

Clint - Hey. Don't worry about it. Just like you said earlier, it's what friends do.

Y/n - Hahaha. I know. Anyway, let's go back to the others.

Clint - Right.

Y/n opened the door as he and Clint exited the house.

When the two of them arrived, They saw the other heroes in the Land of Dawn.

Zilong - Are you two done?

Y/n - Yeah. What happened to Layla?

Tigreal - She fainted because she can't control her emotions very well. It always happen when her emotions become unstable.

Layla groan softly and her head is aching in pain.

Y/n was saddened about the scene and decided something.

Y/n - I feel bad at her.

Tigreal - Yeah me too.

Y/n - I need to do something. *after thinking for 12 seconds* Aha! I know!

Nana - What is it? Y/n-senpai?

Y/n - I'll be right back guys. Give me 10 minutes, after that, I will be back here.

Y/n was about to go but Layla called him with every bit of her strength saying weakly,

Layla - Y/n........ Don't go........ I need you......... Don't leave me..........

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