Event 9: Apologies that gone wrong

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With Tigreal and the other male heroes

Y/n - What about you and her? He began.

Alucard - Okay. Listen carefully, Y/n and Zilong. Tigreal already know this because he is been with us for a long time. To begin with, when we are still children, I always tease Miya in which she always response I hate you or something. But we are best friends. It just happens that Miya is cute when I always tease her in a romantic way. That's why I love her. Being cute all the time. We were so inseparable back then. Other heroes in our universe before the orb suddenly came, thought that we were a couple because of being inseparable. Miya always deny that we were a couple but me, deep inside, I want to be with her forever. Since I can't confess my feelings to her because she already said she hates me, I decided to go with the flow and continue to tease her anyway. Starting yesterday, and on this day after, when I tease her once again, Miya suddenly changed drastically. The Miya I knew before is not the Miya I knew anymore. She grew colder and harsher whenever I tease her. I always thought that the more I tease her, the more she will love me. But I was utterly wrong judging from her actions starting yesterday up until now. He explained his short backstory to Y/n and Zilong in which they are listening seriously.

Zilong - Now I get it. That's why when I saw the two of you for the first time, she always act like that.

Y/n - I see.

Alucard - Now Y/n. I ask you a question. What do you think is wrong with me? He said sadly and seriously

Y/n - Oh that is simple. You should know the feelings first of a woman before and after you tease her in every aspect. Whether you want to convey is romantic or not. And as well as, you should know when you will tease the woman you love. I'm not saying that what you are doing is wrong. Maybe the way you tease Miya is the way you flirt with her, right?

Alucard - Yeah. That's the only thing that I want to convey to her and she constantly rejects me and it really make my heart break.

Y/n - I know that feeling all too well now, my friend. For I also experienced constant rejection way back when I am not here.

Alucard - You do?

Y/n - Yes I am.

Tigreal - Indeed. As a matter of fact, Y/n was been rejected 10 times consecutively.

Alucard - Oh man. I'm sorry to hear that Y/n.

Y/n - Nah. It's okay.

Zilong - How did you manage to survive on those rejections, Y/n?

Y/n - Long story short, my mother, Chi-chi, helped me to recover as I told them my backstory to them. Do you want me to share my backstory to you Zilong?

Zilong - No. *as he shook his hand repeatedly* You don't have to.

Y/n - Okay, if you insist. So, what are you planning to do, Alucard?

Alucard - I'm planning to make an apology to her. For all of the things that I had said to her. I just hope she will accept my apology even though she doesn't want me anymore.

Y/n - Okay. Whatever your plan is, I'm here to help you. He smiled to him.

Alucard - Thanks, Y/n. You're the best.

Y/n - Anytime. I'll give you some time to think about it. I'll go talk to Miya and the rest.

Alucard - Okay. Thanks again.

Zilong - Me and Tigreal here will help you as well, Alucard. It's what friends do. He also smiled at him.

Alucard then cried in joy and he said,

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