Damon -NSFW

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Gia was ecstatic to meet her uncles, and they found her to be the most tolerable 14-year-old in the world. With Damon's humanity back on, he was welcomed into the Salvatore Boarding House. Zach made it very clear to not feed on the guests, but Alice knew he would still be tempted, so a proposal was made. Tori and Alice would provide him their blood in exchange for some of his after each feeding. Every other day one of them would meet him at the Salvatore Boarding House and offer their wrist.

On the first day of giving and receiving blood, Alice realized how some vampires could become rippers. As Damon's blood flowed down her throat, a sense of powerful strength filled her. It was as if she could make anything happen with the flick of a finger. Unintentionally, a moan left her lips. Damon's eyes darkened at the sound.

"Oh, you like it, huh? I wonder what else of mine you'd like." He spoke as he removed his shirt.

With his blood reaching her stomach and the sight of his glorious chest, a deep arousal grew within her. She reached out to massage his pecs and a glorious smirk formed on his lips. When he leaned in to kiss her, she welcomed those lips onto hers and leaned back against his dresser. With one hand wrapped around the back of her head, the other slowly moved along her body until it reached her growing wetness. As his hand reached inside her satin panties, he bit her lip hard enough to draw blood. The pain was barely noticeable as his tongue licked at the wound and his fingers found her swelling nub. With over 100 years of practice, he quickly discovered her sweet spot and with just a few motions, a peaceful white clouded her vision as her pleasure crescendoed.

"Fuck. You are perfect," he spoke in a gravely voice. Using his inhuman speed and strength, he tore off her blouse, buttons flinging to the ground. He lifted her, wrapping her legs around his waist and grinding against her core. Her face slightly towered above him and she leaned down for another kiss. In a swift movement, he strode to the bed and with a bounce, landed on it with her beneath him. So caught up in the way his tongue worshipped her mouth, she missed him removing both of their pants and underwear. She was heavenly surprised when his strainingly hard member massaged her folds. Breaking the kiss, he looked at her for confirmation and with a nod from her, he lifted her hips and slid into her warmth.

A gasp echoed through the room as she felt how well endowed he was. His hips began thrusting against hers as he sought them both pleasure. Their lips found each other again as he brought his still wet hand back down to her clit. The pressure quickly started rebuilding, his fingers moving like a vibrator. His thrusts slowed as he fought to wait for her release before finding his own. As the pressure within her finally burst, she tightly clenched him within her, his tip met the entrance of her womb and a wondrous warmth filled her. For several minutes she felt herself floating and as she was coming back down she came to realize that was quite literally the case. With a large thud, they fell back onto the bed and as her mind cleared she noticed the sexy inquisitive look of Damon's face.

"That good, huh?" He asked with a smirk. She couldn't help but laugh out loud at his egotistical remark.

"I guess so." As he pulled himself from her, she felt his seed dripping out of her and onto the bed. She let out a small laugh as she said, "It's a good thing you're not a hybrid."

"Huh?" He questioned as he rolled his back beside her.

Another laugh left her lips before explaining, "I was just thinking it's a good thing vampires like you can't procreate. Now is not the time to be having babies."

"Yeah? But we sure love to try." He winked at her. Instead of a laugh, a deep smile formed on her face. He returned the smile as he brushed a stray hair out of her face. It was oddly intimate and Alice had no idea what this incident meant. She was a Delena shipper and wasn't sure if she was infatuated with Damon like a fangirl or had come to truly love him as a real person. She knew Damon barely knew her and might have just wanted a quick shag, but maybe that's all the relationship they need right now anyways. After all, danger was lurking around the corner.

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