Meeting Stefan Part 1- Rough Draft

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With the knowledge from the grimoire on her side, and the eclipse a month away, Alice began monitoring the Salvatore Boarding House. On the 5th day of observing the comings and goings of the house, Stefan finally arrived. He was outside working on his car when she rode up the driveway in her bicycle. Stefan had heard her coming from down the road, but he made sure to show no signs of his awareness. She silently watched him, pondering her next move.

"Hello." She spoke as she got off her bicycle and started walking towards him. He finally turned to look at the curious girl.

"Hello." He greeted in return. "Are your parents staying here?" He questioned.

"No." She simply replied.

He looked inquisitively at her, wondering why such a small girl would ride up to the Boarding House all alone.

"You knew an ancestor of mine, Emily Bennet." She informed him. He raised an eyebrow at her in furthered curiosity. "I know you're a nice man, that you won't hurt me. So I need you to listen to what I have to say."

"Okay," he agreed.

"I may look young, but my mind is not. Before my birth, I was someone else and those memories have returned to me. I know things that other 8-year-olds couldn't possibly know, including what you are." Stefan was shocked at her words, but continued to listen.

"I know what my ancestor did for the woman you loved. I know that you preferred to die along with her, but that your father wouldn't take that chance. You instinctively defended yourself and those instincts drove you to your first taste of human blood, your father's blood. But it's not your fault that these instincts took control of you. It's a matter of genetics. You received a gene from your mother, Lillian, that made you susceptible to becoming a ripper."

Sensing he was about to interrupt her, she reiterated, "As a Bennet witch, however physically young I may be, I have many powerful abilities. One of those being divination." Seeing that he took that as an explanation for her knowledge, she continued.

"What I say is the truth. It's not your spirit that chooses such a savage way of feeding, it is your biology. Your brother, however, did not inherit this gene. Katherine's betrayal damaged him so emotionally, that all he can focus on is making you miserable. You are the one that made him turn and told him of the ability to shut off his pain. Without that pain, all he can focus on is hate. So when something reminds him of that pain, he destroys it. Everytime he sees you, he is reminded of Katherine's deception and begins to question her love for him. He felt so much sorrow when he lost her, he can't accept that she wasn't who he thought she was." Noticing that he was becoming emotional at her words, she reassured him, "It's not too late for you to be brothers again. Once he is able to accept the past, you will be able to move on together. Reconciling with him will protect what little living family you have left. If he discovers that you genuinely care for your half-brother's descendents, he will kill them. So when he inevitably follows you here, you must leave with him. Get him as far away from Mystic Falls as you can for the next decade and a half. Here is a crystal." She handed him a summoning crystal she had created using Emily's grimoire.
"When he arrives, I want you to crush it. I will come and convince him to make peace with you. As he swore to protect my ancestors' lineage, he cannot kill me. You must remember that I am not a child. I am simply a woman stuck in a child's body. I will know what to say to persuade him." She paused to let him absorb the information.
"Do you understand?"

"Yes. I will follow what you've said. The things you know about my past cannot be denied. And the way you speak is not that of a child. I will trust you." He decided.

"Good. Now he should be arriving before the eclipse. Do not provoke him. I will come to you both when the time is right." He nodded his head in understanding. "Until then." She spoke as she strided back to her bicycle. He watched in thought as she got on top of her bike and began peddling away.

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