Over The Bridge

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Matt thought the world couldn't get any smaller. He knew that his English teacher was Bonnie's cousin and that her daughter was best friends with his sister, but now Ms. M was also his best friend's sister! On top of that, his parents were officially divorced and his dad was now dating Sheriff Forbes. Caroline could be his future step-sister! He really needed to get away from this interconnected drama and greatly looked forward to the end of school party in a few weeks. He had no clue that such a pivotal moment in his girlfriend's life was approaching.

Alice and her sisters had decided not to prevent the car crash. It was key to Elena's development as a person and not caused by supernatural means. Additionally, messing with the timeline too much could have a disastrous effect.   So when the Salvtores knocked on her door at 6am on May 2nd, 2009 she knew she had to be precise about what she told them.

Leaving Hayley safely at home, she walked with the Salvatore's to the park where it was too early for other visitors.

"I wasn't entirely truthful when I last saw you. Damon, I know that you are here to get Katherine back, but there's more to the story than you think. First of all, while she was human, she had a daughter. Eventually her descendents wound up here in Mystic Falls and one of them is still here. Her name is Elena, she is human, and looks exactly like Katherine. Now, in about ten minutes she will be on her morning jog and will pass right by here. Do not interact with her, just observe. Then I'll tell you more."

"Katherine had a daughter? Why did she never mention her?" Stefan asked.

"Katherine was unwed and her baby was taken from her moments after being born. She's searched for her for 500 years with no luck. It's not something she likes to talk about."

After eight minutes of awkward silence, Elena finally jogged past them. Recognizing Alice, Elena waved hello to her, giving the Salvatores a clear view of her face.

"Are you sure that's not Katherine?" Damon asked in surprise.

"Yes, I'm certain. There's a lot you don't know. I'll try to ease you into it all. Basically, nature and my ancestor caused a curse on two families two millenia ago. The Petrovas were one of those families. My ancestor Quetsiyah was betrayed by her lover Silas who cheated on her with a Petrova named Amara. Silas and Amara stole an immortally potion from my ancestor. As the first immortals, a ripple effect was created. Every few centuries carbon copies of Silas and Amara are reborn into the families. They are fated to fall in love then die. Katherine and Elena are two of them. They're called doppelgangers."

"Doppelgangers? How do you even spell that?" Damon asked rhetorically.

"My point is that Elena is a 16-year-old human. She's not Katherine. But Katherine is interested in her."

"How would Katherine even know she exists? She's been locked in a tomb for a century and a half." Damon questions.

"That's the thing. Katherine isn't actually in the tomb, she never was."

"You better explain before I break my oath to your ancestor." Damon threatens.

"She fled, Damon. She faked her death to avoid the council. I'm not saying she hasn't checked up on either of you, but she wants the world to think she's dead. The Petrova doppelgangers are key to a curse that affects a member of the Original Vampire Family from a millennium ago. Only human dopplegangers can help break the curse, so she purposely became a vampire to escape being sacrificed. She angered the Originals when she did this, so they've been after her for 500 years. If word gets around that she's been alive all this time, she'll have to face their wrath. She's protecting herself, even at the cost of the men she loved."

"So she's been perfectly fine all this time?" Stefan asked.

"Well, she's constantly in fear of being found and killed and drinks vervain on a daily basis to avoid being compelled by an Original. So I wouldn't say perfectly fine."

"She drinks vervain? Vampires can't compell other vampires." Stefan states.

"Original Vampires can. They're the progenitors of all vampires, theyre also incredibly strong, resistant to magic, and can't be killed by just any old wooden stake. Their only weakness is each other."

"You said Katherine is interested in Elena. Does that mean she's returned to Mystic Falls?" Damon asks.

"Not really.  She's really good at persuading people to do her bidding. Damon, I know you won't like what I have to say, but you can't remain loyal to her. She's had to be selfish for centuries, there's a reason she'll never truly be in love with you, and being on her side gets people killed. She wants to buy her freedom from the Originals by giving them Elena. Elena is young, meet her and you'll see that she doesn't deserve to be bartered like a lamb for slaughter."

"How dare you say she doesn't love me!" Damon growls.

"She doesn't! She's infatuated with you. Dopplegangers are spelled to find and love each other. You're not the doppelganger. She's literally fated to love another man and she's too selfish to truly love anyone other than him. She's selfish enough to be with you, but not to devote herself to you as you do to her. You deserve better. You can still find someone that loves you so much it consumes them. That's not Katherine." Damon is shocked at how much Alice seems to care about him and is at a loss for words.

"Whose the other doppleganger? The one she's fated to love?" Stefan asks.

Alice sighs deeply,"I was hoping you wouldn't ask that right away. Silas is an ancestor of the Salvatores. There's currently two Salvatore dopplegangers, and you are one of them Stefan. You were fated to love Katherine and then die, but the existence of vampirism kind of impeded that."

"And you're saying there's another Salvatore descendant out there that looks just like me?"

"Well, his family name is now Avery, but yeah. He lives in Atlanta and either is or will soon be an EMT."

"Have you seen him?"

"Actually no, I've been dealing with other things and didn't really see the point in disturbing his supernatural-free life. You wouldn't want your great-something- great nephew being pulled into this just because he looks like you, would you?"

"Does this mean our distant nephew is fated to fall in love with this Elena girl then die?" Damon asks.

"Yeah, it does. But evident by Katherine and Stefan's love for one another, it doesn't have to be the dopplegangers from their generation that they fall in love with. Which is why Stefan should not get close to Elena. Love shouldn't exist because of a spell, it should be natural. Anything you feel for Katherine or will feel for Elena isn't real, it's manufactured. The only love either of you should be worried about right now is your brotherly love. You have a potential eternity ahead of you, and you should surround yourself with real love that can't fade over time. There's a lot of people in this town who can offer you that. Including Elena in a platonic way. Your nephew Zach is happily married with two children. That's four people right there that can offer real love. Especially Gia, you should really meet her, we were sisters in our past lives and she knows all about you. Youve never met, but she already loves you both and wants you to be happy."

"Our niece has memories of her past life? How?" Stefan asks.

"Because we came from the same world. She and my other sister Tori regained our past life's memories when we found each other. We feel we are meant to use our knowledge of this world to make a better future for those we love. Now please, put Katherine aside for now. I want you to meet Gia and Elena to see the kind of people they are. There's just one small problem. Elena is fated to be in a car crash in a couple of weeks. But I've messed with the timeline. She's not meant to die in the crash, Stefan was meant to come across the wreck and save her. But we also can't stop the wreck from happening because in the end it helps her grow as a person. It helps her be another stepper further from being like Katherine. So when the crash happens, I need you guys to save Elena and her mother. Until then, you shouldn't introduce yourselves to her."

"You only said I originally saved Elena. You didn't say anything about Damon saving her mom. Am I missing something?"

"Nope. You got it right on the nose. Both of her parents will be in the car with her and both are supposed to die. But it seems cruel to not prevent the crash and let her become an orphan. Her father is a major vampire hater, so I figure we can let him die and just save her mom."

"Well, okay. Sounds like a plan." Damon consents.

With three weeks until the crash, it was time for Gia to meet her uncles.

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