FORTY FIVE | Hospital

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I noticed Aria has fallen asleep while Gia, Gio and Xavier were all invested in some dumb show playing in the hospital tv

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I noticed Aria has fallen asleep while Gia, Gio and Xavier were all invested in some dumb show playing in the hospital tv.

As I relaxed at the peaceful site of our lost princess sleeping I noticed her arms slightly twitching and her head turning back and forth as if she was trying to wake up from a dream. A nightmare.

"Hey why don't you guys go grab some lunch from the cafeteria bring me back a sandwich and grabs something for Aria too" I suggested hoping Xavier would take the hint and get the twins to go with him.

"On it" the twins said simultaneously, Xavier following suit.

I turned my attention back to Aria and grabbed onto her hand softly. With my other hand I carefully shook her non injured shoulder trying to wake her up.

"Aria" I called softly.

"Wake up princesa" I called again a little louder.

Soon I'm met with Arias big brown eyes staring at me with fear.

"Hey Aria it's just me, you're cou-" I began to say.

"M-Marco?" She asked as tears welled up in her eyes.

"Yeah princesa it's me" I reassured as I pulled her into a soft hug as to not hurt her.

"Don't let them take me please" she cried out.

I'm sorry. What?!

My blood ran cold as those words left her mouth.

"I promise Princesa I'll kill them" I said with a tinge of anger and promise lacing my words.

Just as those words left my mouth it's as if she realized what she had said.

"Oh god please forget I said that" she stared at me with panic.

"Don't worry Aria I won't say anything okay?" She nodded hesitantly.

"Can you tell me who you're talking about though?" I asked knowing my question may get shot down but it's worth a shot.

"The people that shot Enzo, that did this to me" she replied with her head down.

I nodded knowing her brothers were already on it filing in the family with a plan on how torture them in the worst ways possible.

"What did they do to you Aria?" I asked knowing I was standing on thin ice.

"Too much. So much that death would have been more peaceful. So much that I wished to die in the hands of them. God please if they ever get me please find a way to kill me first." She spoke with so much emotion but no emotion all at once.

"Ari have you talked to anyone about what's happened?" I asked as I softly rubbed her back.

She shook her head.

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