TWENTY FOUR | Monopoly

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My heart hurts for my sister. You know how everyone says twin are connected on a different level, like that twin telepathy shit. Well it's true. As she's screaming and crying, im feeling her pain. My chest is on fire.

Ever since she was taken my life has felt empty. I never cared about school or the family business. I never cared about anything. Now that she's back im caring about my grades, I want to be involved in the family business to protect her. I finally feel like me again. I feel like I can breath easy again.

I just want to take her pain away from her. Ever since she was taken I've felt like a piece of me was missing. She was missing from my life. Since she's come back home my heart feels whole again. I can breathe normally again.

I will protect her at any cost. And that's a goddamn promise.

After everything last night, Mar and Luca stayed with her making sure she was safe. Meanwhile Enzo, Sandro, Leo and I have been in Enzos office tracking one of Angelos friends from America. We are being extra careful about this. We have no idea if Angelo had others working for him or if anyone else knew she was our sister. We had to be cautious and check every possible person Angelo had contact with in America to keep her safe.

"Another nobody he met at a bar" Enzo says with a relieving sigh.

So far we haven't found anyone who had any real relationship with Angelo. Thank god. That means Ari is safe.

"Go get some sleep boys, tomorrow we are going to hang out with Ari and just make her feel loved and happy so none of you can be grumpy." Enzo said sternly. We all said goodnight and went to our rooms, except I went to Aris room. I wanted to check on her. She doesn't know this and no one else does either, but, I go into her room every night to check on her and tell her goodnight.

I opened the door quietly and snuck into her room. I was surprised when I saw Mar and Luca still awake.

"What are you doin up Elio?" Luca asked in a sleepy voice.

"I just wanted to check on her" I said quietly

"Do you wanna stay in here with her tonight?" Mar asked me quietly

I was secretly jumping for joy in my head.

"If that's okay, yes please." I whispered.

"Of course" Mar said as he got up and moved to her couch. I took his place in the bed and looked over to my sleeping sister. Her eyes puffy and red from crying. Her face looks drained of color. I know it was a lot for her today, but Im so fucking proud of her.

She was laying her head on Lucas shoulder so I laid my head on her shoulder. Soon enough the room fell quiet with slight snores every once in a while. The room was peaceful. My mind was peaceful. Being in the bed with her, knowing she is safely sleeping next to me calms my anxiety. Soon enough my hooded eyes fell closed and sleep consumed me.

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