Chapter 1

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One late stormy night, the toy animatronic were off doing their normal daily tasks. Toy Freddy was cleaning the mess the kids made before the pizzeria closed for the day. While Toy Bonnie and Toy Chica were on the stage talking about on and off things.

"You know I could be using some help right now!" Toy Freddy told the others while carrying around 10 pizza boxes to the trash.

"Sorry, Boss." Toy Bonnie said, getting off the stage to help.

The 3 continued to clean up the mess all around the pizzeria just as Mangle entered the main showstage area.

"Hey, Mangle." Said Toy Chica.

"Hey, chick. How was the show today?" Mangle asked as she grabbed a broom despite her mangled state.

"The usual, making kids laugh, dealing with their screaming, making pizza." Answered Toy Chica.

While the 2 girls were talking, Toy Freddy and Toy Bonnie were just finishing up cleaning when Toy Freddy saw a clipboard on one of the party tables.

"Now, what's this?" Said Toy Freddy as he picked it up and started looking through the sheets.

"What you got there, Freddy?" Toy Bonnie asked curiously as he walked up next to him.

Toy Freddy starts to read through the paperwork.

"It says that 4 new products will be arriving to pizzeria and that they'll be held in the parts and services room u til further notice." Said Toy Freddy as Toy Chica and Mangle also walked up to him.

"New products? Do you think they're for the kids?" Asked Toy Chica.

"Possible." Toy Freddy exclaims.

"Hopefully, it's another break apart feature. I'm tired of getting broken up and having the marionette fix me up." Mangle Explaned.

"I hope they're new friends! It's getting quite lonely here without anyone new." Spoke Toy Chica.

"When does it say the new products are coming Toy Freddy?" Asked Toy Bonnie.

Toy Freddy scans through the papers when all of a sudden, they hear the front door of the pizzeria open. The 4 scatter into their places on the stage and party room in order not to be caught.

"There's your answer." Whispered Toy Freddy to Toy Bonnie.

Toy Bonnie rolls his eyes and bumps him with his guitar before getting back into position.

2 people walk into the pizzeria with 4 boxes on wheels and are pushing them.

"Why couldn't we have done this during the day!" Said the first man who seems to be tired.

"Those kids were get their hands on the boxes if they saw them. Now stop complaining and keep pushing!" Replied the second man.

The 2 men were able to move the 4 boxes to the parts and services room, and they went back into the main showstage.

"Hurry up! The storm outside isn't getting any better! Why do you think there wasn't a security guard tonight to let us in!" Said the second man.

The 2 men quickly leave the pizzeria and lock the doors. Toy Freddy, Toy Bonnie, and Toy Chica leave the stage.

"You boys ready to see the new products?" Asked Toy Chica, placing her hands on her hips.

"Sure, let's hope they're friendly." Toy Bonnie added.

"I got first. In case anything happens." Toy Freddy says as he eats a hotdog.

"Where did you get that hotdog?" Asked Toy Chica.

"Doesn't matter. Let's go." Said Toy Freddy finishing the hotdog and started walking to the parts and services room.

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