𝐍𝐨 𝐰𝐢𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐫𝐬

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"They're fancy people, they've had three governors in the family. They've run Charleston for, like, 300 years" Kie speaks as we drives through Charleston

"These Kooks make our Kooks looks like Pogues" Jay says "you sure it's the place Pope?" Jay asks as we pulls over

"Pretty sure" Pope says "let's do this" I says as we all walks outside the car towards the house "fat city, for sure" Jay says "twenty-seven king street" Pope reads from the latter "talk about home security" Jay says, referring to the hugs fence there is in the house

"Are those spikes to keep people out?" Jay ask "no. The slave quarters over there. These spikes were to keep people in" Pope says "Are they trying to kidnap you?" I asks "seems like it" Jay says "guys this is not very helpful" Kie says

"Okay, guys shut up" Pope says before he knocks on the door, loudly "you think that was too much?" Pope asks "it echoed the entire house. That's for sure" Jay says

"Maybe nobody's home" Kie says before Pope knocks again and someone opens the door this time. "You must be Pope" he says pointing at Pope

"Um... are you Mr. Limbrey?" Pope asks "Ms, Limbrey was expecting you yesterday" he corrects him "oh. I am... I am sorry. My car broke down on the way up here" Pope says

"Carburetor blew up in the middle of nowheresville" Jay says "sorry about that" I say "yeah, she was, uh, real upset when you didn't show up. "We tried to call, but there's no number on the invitation" Kie says

"We got here as fast as we can" I says "she also expected you to come alone" he says "I mean, these are my friends. They helped me find the Royal Merchant too. I-" Pope says before the man interrupts him "the instructions were explicit. Your friends can stay outside"

"We kind of a package deal, man" Jay says "JJ. It's okay. I got this" Pope says "I'll be good" he adds "yeah, we'll be right here" Kie says "keep the car running" Pope says looking at Kie before the man leads Pope into the house

"They're going to kidnap him" I says as we all walks towards the car "Haley" Kie says "what?" I asks and she just glared at me "look if Limbrey is legit, then Ward gets arrested, and maybe Sarah gets the gold" Kie speaks as we sees the man and another woman, I assume she's Ms. Limberly, walked Pope outside the house

"Does that look voluntary?" Kie asks "keep walking" we hears the man says to Pope "that would be a negative" Jay says "I told you so" I says "Haley shut up" Kie says "come on" Kie adds before she was about to walk outside the car but Jay stops her "hold on, hold on"

"What?" Kie asks "they're going into the alley" Jay says "go around back?" Kie asks "yeah. We'll meet him on the other side" Jay says

"Guys be chill, we don't wanna look suspicious" I says "yeah" Jay says "where did they go?" Kie asks after a few seconds "what if they went underground?" Jay asks

"What?" I asks "because in C.H.U.D, when they took people down into the sewers, it would turn the humans into humanoids 'cause of radiation and then all of a sudden-" He explains before Kie interrupts"JJ- focus. That doesn't make any sense" 

"You gotta stop watching movies" I says "never" he says "Did you see him?" He asks "No" me and Kie answers

"Guys I hear something" Kie says as she gets out of the car and me and Jay follows her, we sees Pope fighting with the man on the ground. Jay notices a stun-gun lying on the ground and kicks it towards Kies direction before she picks it up "Pope!" I says helping him stand up before Pope punches the man

Fever dream • JJ MaybankWhere stories live. Discover now