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I decided to not give a fuck about Rafe and hang out with the pogues today, mostly thanks to Sarah and our conversion. it was morning and we were just chilling

"You guys see that? That's the Malibu 24-MXZ, the world's finest wake setter, number one in luxury, quality and performance, 200k easy" JJ says as we sees boat

"We picked the wrong parents" Pope says "I hate to break it to you guys, but that's Topper and his girlfriend" Kiara says

"she has a name" I says before I make an eye contact with Sarah, she gives me a little smile before her smile fades as she give Kiara a glare

"You don't have to act like you don't see us bitch" Kiara says as Topper and Sarah passed us "watch it" I says, being dead serious "chill" she says "no you don't get to call that to my friend"

"Well your friend is a bitch" she says "you are the one that acting like one!" I spat "I knew this was a bad idea to bring you" she says "I risk my life twice for this treasure haunt thing, I owned the right to be here and I could give a fuck about what you thinks" I says

"Guys chill" John B says "what's your problem with me anyways" I asks "you" she says "Seriously, what's your deal" I asks again "you just left us without an explanation and started hanging out with Sarah and everyone seems okay with it" she explains

"I am sorry" I says "that's not enough, that's not an explanation" she says "But it's not fair! When I am with Sarah, you hates it, when I am with you guys, Rafe hates it"

"That's the reason you stopped hanging out with us? Rafe?" JJ asks "that's toxic" Pope says "I don't need y'all advice in my relationship, thank you"

"he doesn't know you're with us right now doesn't he?" JJ asks "no, he doesn't" I answers "Why are you still with him?" JJ asks "love is complicated" I answers

"Look... and I just missed you guys" I says "me too" Kie says "don't pull that bitchy attitude on me again that was mean" I says "I know I am sorry" she says with a laugh

"Oh and if you'd talk shit about Sarah again when I am around I'll fucking end you, I am not joking" I says facing her "okay okay" Kie says raising her hand as defence


"All right, keep look out, we are behind enemy lines" JJ says pulling his gun out of his pocket "Yo, come on man just put it back" John B says "you can never be too careful" he says

"I predict bringing a weapon to a four star hotel will likely cause more problems than they solve" Pope says "thank you pope" JJ says "I swear I am gonna shoot you with that thing" I says

"I swear to god, I am gonna throw that thing in the ocean, JJ. Put it back" Kiara says as John B grabs the gun from JJ hand and putting it back "There you go" Pope says "you can't grab a gun like that" JJ says

"I gotta be honest, I was pretty disappointed when I heard that you haven't shot Topper at the bonfire" I says "don't worry I will have enough chances to do that" JJ says with a smirk

"So where are we going now?" Pope asks as we all walked out of the Twinkie "we are getting on the internet because only rich people have electricity right now" JJ says as we walked towards the hotel

"See they got the backup generators going? Kooks don't miss a beat" JJ says as we walked in a room with computers

"Sweet lord, the internet! I've missed you" Pope says, immediately taking a seat next to computer

Fever dream • JJ MaybankWhere stories live. Discover now