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Back to Haley's POV

I wake up sweating and breathing heavily "Hey it's okay I am here" I hear Jay says and when I look besides me I sees him hugging me. "how did I got here?" I asks confused looking around pulling away from Jay seeing that I am at Kies house

"You are safe, I think you were having a nightmare" he says "oh, yeah" I says

"do you get those nightmares often?" He asks "it started after Sarah and John B died" I answers "I am so sorry" he says "It's okay, wh- where is my jacket?" I asks

"It's here" he says handing me my jacket as I was searching for my meth, I can't find them so I realise Jay have found them, I gives Jay a glare "JJ don't play around where are they" I asks

"We only wants the best for you okay?" He says standing up "I am sorry, I am so sorry" he says walking away and locking the door "No, no, no, no, JJ!" I yells banging on the door

"Haley we're doing this for you" I hear Kiaras voice "bullshit, yesterday you didn't gave a shit about me" I says

"That's not true, I just didn't realise how bad it actually is" she says "so what changed now, huh?" I asks "I was selfish, I know that, and I am sorry about it" she says

"So just give me my shit and I'll leave" I says "we are scared Haley, we can't let you go and do drugs" she says

"So what was your solution? To kidnapped me?" I asks "we didn't kidnap you, but we needed a way to protect you from yourself" Jay says "you're all just dramatic okay? I am in control, and I am not dangerous to myself" I says

"That's the problem! Haley, you don't even see the problem, you prefer to go to those parties and get stoned" he says "just let me out!" I says as I was aggressively banging on the door

"Haley calm down" Kie says "does your parents know you keep me in here? Because I swear to god-" I says but she interrupts me "no, they're not in town this week" Kie says "wow, so you really did kidnapped me" I says

"We didn't!" Kie says "it's okay, I'll stay with her" I hear Jay tells Kie "she gave up?" I asks sitting down

"She didn't gave up, she just really hates to hear you in pain" Jay says "so just give me my fucking shit already, it can take the pain away. that's all I need" I says

"You don't need that shit" Jay says "you don't know what I need" I argues "but I know you, and I know you just need someone to help, and I am sorry if I am too late but we're here now" he says

"You don't understand, I just need it alright? I just need it. Just please give me my shit, please. And it- it will be the last time, okay? I swear, just give me my shit" I begs "we both know it's not the truth Haley" he says

"But it is. Just- just come on. Don't be like that" I says "I can't do that, you know I can't" he says "I can't be sober Jay, I can't do that shit" I says "why not?" He asks "because then I think about Sarah and John B" I answers

"But we can go through that together" he says "every night I dream about them Jay, every single night I dream that I lose them over and over again, I just want to be able to sleep peacefully" I says

"But it doesn't give you peace though, if you can't be able to live without it, it's not good for you" he says "but I found a way to keep my pain away, and you're giving me my pain back to me right now"

Fever dream • JJ MaybankWhere stories live. Discover now