Chapter 28

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Operation calming the storm part 4

As Blast unleashed his gravity manipulation powers, I felt an overwhelming force pressing down on me, as if the very weight of the world was bearing down upon my shoulders. I gritted my teeth against the strain, my muscles screaming in protest as I struggled to withstand the crushing gravity that threatened to crush me beneath its immense weight.

Then I began to adapt to the gravity, this is the first time I've faced a gravity user

But even as Blast exerted his control over the gravitational forces around us, I refused to yield. With a surge of determination, I summoned  my strength and pushed back against the crushing pressure, my aura flaring to life as I fought to break free from Blast's hold.

With a primal roar, I unleashed a burst of  psychic energy, pushing against the gravitational field. The air crackled with power as my aura surged around me, pushing back against the force that sought to crush me.

And then, with a final, monumental effort, I broke free from Blast's gravity manipulation, the crushing weight lifting from my shoulders as I stood tall .... Short once more. I met Blast's gaze with steely determination, my eyes burning with defiance as I prepared to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

But Blast was not finished yet. With a roar of rage, he unleashed another wave of gravity manipulation, the force of his power doubling in intensity as he sought to crush me beneath its relentless pressure.

With a fierce snarl, I lunged forward, my fist connecting with Blast's fac. He staggered back, stunned by the sudden ferocity of my attack, but I was relentless, pressing the advantage as I unleashed a barrage of blows upon him.

Each strike landed with the precision and power of a sledgehammer, driving Blast back with every impact. Despite his formidable abilities, he was no match for the sheer speed and ferocity of my assault, struggling to keep up with the relentless onslaught.

Me: I could have taken you down with one punch be grateful I'm holding back

But Blast was not one to go down without a fight. With a roar of defiance, he unleashed a devastating counterattack, channeling his gravity manipulation powers to create a swirling vortex of energy that threatened to engulf me.

I dodged and weaved through the swirling maelstrom, narrowly avoiding Blast's attacks as I sought to find an opening in his defenses. With every move, I calculated my next strike, biding my time until the perfect moment presented itself.

And then, with a sudden burst of speed, I closed the distance between us in the blink of an eye, my fist poised to deliver the finishing blow. Blast attempted to raise his defenses, but it was too late. With a thunderous roar, my fist collided with his chest, sending him hurtling backward.

As Blast crashed to the ground, defeated and broken, I stood over him, victorious. Despite the odds stacked  me, I had emerged triumphant once again, my skill and determination proving to be more than a match for Blast's formidable powers.

Blast's eyes glinted with determination as he tapped into his full array of abilities. With a wave of his hand, he opened a series of swirling portals around us, each one crackling with raw energy. I knew that I had to tread carefully; one wrong move, and I could find myself trapped within one of Blast's deadly portals.

But I was not one to back down from a challenge. With a fierce battle cry, I charged forward, my sword at the ready as I prepared to face whatever came my way. Blast met my charge head-on, his movements fluid and precise as he sought to outmaneuver me with his incredible speed.

I dodged and weaved through Blast's attacks, my senses on high alert as I sought to anticipate his next move. With each passing moment, the air crackled with tension, the intensity of our clash reaching a fever pitch as we traded blow after blow.

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