chapter 13

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I decided to share the ludicrous aftermath of the battle with Tatsumaki with Dante, my older brother. As I recounted the tale, Dante's laughter echoed through the room, his amusement clearly uncontainable.

Dante:Dude, you really took selfies after beating Tatsumaki?

Dante exclaimed, his laughter punctuating each sentence.

Dante:That's like next-level trolling. I can't believe you actually did that!

I chuckled in response, reveling in the absurdity of the situation.

Me:Well, you know, adding a touch of humor to psychic battles. It's an art form, really.

Dante wiped away a tear from the corner of his eye.

Dante:Man, if only I could've seen her face when you pulled out that camera. Must've been priceless.

I nodded, a smirk playing on my lips.

Me:Oh, it definitely was. She tried to give me a piece of her mind, but hey, sometimes you've got to spice things up.

Dante's laughter subsided, but a mischievous glint remained in his eyes.

Dante:So, what are you going to do with those selfies? Post them online? Frame them? Use them as  battle trading cards?

I contemplated the options, a playful grin forming.

Me:Maybe a bit of all of that. A little internet fame won't hurt, right?

Dante clapped me on the shoulder, still chuckling.

Dante:You, my little brother, are turning  battles into a comedy show. I love it.

As the laughter lingered in the room, we shared a moment of camaraderie, reveling in the sheer absurdity of the situation.

Dante, my older brother, had a mischievous glint in his eyes as he tossed me a sword with a striking design—a black blade adorned with a vibrant patterns. The weapon bore intricate symbols inscribed into its surface, hinting at its otherworldly origin.

 The weapon bore intricate symbols inscribed into its surface, hinting at its otherworldly origin

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Dante:Check it out, little bro! A devil arm straight from a demon lord

Dante announced with a grin, clearly excited about presenting me with this formidable weapon.

I caught the sword, feeling its weight in my hands. The aura emanating from it hinted at the demonic power infused within. "Impressive," I admitted, examining the craftsmanship and the arcane symbols etched into the blade.

Me:But you know I have a soft spot for my broken sword.

Dante chuckled, leaning against a nearby wall.

Dante:Your sentimental attachment to that broken relic never ceases to amuse me. What's the deal with that thing anyway?

I summoned my broken sword, its ethereal form materializing in my grasp.

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