chapter 2: I'm done with everything

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The hallway of Union Academy had turned into a grotesque spectacle, a macabre theater of cruelty where the vulnerable were preyed upon without mercy. As Kai lay on the ground, bleeding and battered, a disturbing indifference surrounded him.

Amidst the throng of students, Class 1A, Rias and her Peerage, Team RWBY—all seemingly complicit in the torment—observed Kai's suffering with an unsettling detachment. Instead of extending a helping hand, their reactions ranged from amusement to outright mockery.

Bakugo from Class 1A sneered

Bakugo:Look at this pathetic loser. Can't even handle a little beatdown.

Akeno from Rias's Peerage added,

Akeno:He's nothing but a stain on this academy. It's almost entertaining to watch him squirm.

The indifferent murmurs of the crowd mixed with the incessant clicking of cameras, capturing the grotesque scene for posterity. Laughter echoed through the hall, cruel taunts and jeers becoming a symphony of degradation.

Ruby from Team RWBY, her eyes devoid of empathy, remarked,

Ruby:Maybe he'll learn his place now.

Kai, amidst the agony, couldn't comprehend the depth of the apathy surrounding him. The blood pooling around him seemed to symbolize not only his physical suffering but the emotional and psychological wounds inflicted by those he had once hoped might understand.

As the crowd reveled in their collective disdain, Izuku from Class 1A approached hesitantly. His conflicted expression betrayed a flicker of guilt.

Izuku:i'm sorry, Kai. I didn't want it to come to this.

But even Izuku's remorse was drowned out by the prevailing hostility. The onlookers intensified their mockery, each word and gesture adding to the torment Kai endured.

Amidst the sea of hostility, Kai's voice, weak but defiant, pierced the darkness.

Me:Is this what I deserve? Is this the sum of my existence—to be ridiculed and abandoned by those who could make a difference?

As the disturbing scene in the Union Academy hallway unfolded, the air seemed to shift as Ms. Goodwitch, the stern but respected teacher, entered the tumultuous stage. Her authoritative presence demanded attention, and the cacophony of mockery and cruelty momentarily subsided.

Ms goodwitch:Enough of this nonsense! Everyone, get to your classes immediately!

Ms. Goodwitch's voice boomed, cutting through the hostile atmosphere. Her gaze swept over the grotesque spectacle, but to Kai's dismay, she showed no sign of addressing his dire situation.

The indifferent dismissal left Kai feeling like a ghost in the midst of the living, a forgotten victim of the brutality that had transpired. As the students begrudgingly dispersed, the echoes of Ms. Goodwitch's words lingered like a bitter aftertaste.

In the midst of the chaos, Izuku, conflicted by a sense of responsibility, approached Kai with genuine concern.

Izuku:Come on, Kai. We need to get you to Recovery Girl's office. This is not right.

Despite the pain coursing through his battered body, Kai mustered a weak nod of gratitude. Izuku, fueled by a sense of guilt and empathy, did his best to carry Kai's weight, navigating through the still-hostile glances of passing students.

As they traversed the academy halls, Izuku whispered,

Izuku:I'm sorry, Kai. I should've done more to stop this.

Kai, appreciative of Izuku's attempt to offer solace, managed a strained smile.

Me: you  did what you could. Not everyone here is heartless.

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