chapter 16: tempest vs endeavor

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I grinned wickedly as I unleashed the power of my new devil arm, the Cursed Aegis. Its dark design radiated with malevolent energy as I effortlessly tore through the demonic horde surrounding me. The creatures writhed in agony with every slash, their unearthly howls echoing in the air.

The Cursed Aegis felt like an extension of my will, and with each swing, I carved a path through the twisted beings that dared to challenge me. The unholy energy surged through me, enhancing my speed and strength, making the battle a thrilling spectacle of demonic destruction.

My movements became a deadly dance, a symphony of chaos as I gracefully maneuvered through the frenzied horde. The battlefield painted a vivid picture of mayhem, with demonic remains scattered in my wake. The Cursed Aegis, with its black design pulsating ominously, seemed to thirst for more as I continued my onslaught.

The demonic minions were no match for the unholy power coursing through my veins. I relished in the satisfaction of each successful strike, reveling in the newfound strength granted by the devil arm. The air resonated with the cacophony of their demise, a chilling melody that echoed my triumph over the forces of darkness.

As I stood amidst the battlefield, the glow of the Cursed Aegis began to dim, signaling the end of the confrontation. I surveyed the aftermath, a scene of demonic obliteration, and couldn't help but smirk at the power now at my disposal. The devil arm had proven itself as a formidable ally, and I eagerly anticipated the next challenge it would help me overcome.

Endeavor smirked, his fiery beard reflecting the glint of arrogance in his eyes.

Endeavor:Ah, Kai, isn't it? The prodigious hero who defeated Tatsumaki and made quite the splash on social media.

I scoffed, not amused by his presence.

Me:What do you want, Endeavor? I don't have time for hero-worshipping or fanfare.

Endeavor chuckled, a sound that grated on my nerves.

Endeavor:I've been watching you, Kai. You've become quite the force to be reckoned with. But let me remind you of your place. You may have defeated Tatsumaki, but the pro heroes are a different league.

I rolled my eyes, unimpressed by his attempt to assert dominance.

?3:Is that supposed to scare me? I've faced demons, gods, and powerful foes. Your 'top ten hero' status doesn't intimidate me."

Endeavor's flames flared, a manifestation of his growing irritation.

Endeavor:You're just a child, Kai. Playing hero in a world that demands strength. You can't comprehend the responsibilities and burdens we pro heroes carry.

I smirked, crossing my arms defiantly.

Me:Responsibilities, burdens – you heroes love to cloak your actions in grandeur. But I've seen the truth, Endeavor. Your hero society is flawed, and I won't be a part of it.

Endeavor glared, flames dancing in his eyes.

Endeavor:You speak of things you don't understand, Kai. A child like you should know their place.

I chuckled darkly.

Me:I know my place, Endeavor. It's not in the corrupt hierarchy of heroism that you so proudly represent.

He clenched his fists, flames intensifying.

Endeavor :You'll learn the hard way, Kai. In this world, strength is the only currency that matters.

I shook my head, dismissing him with a smirk.

Me:Strength, power – they're just illusions, Endeavor. I'll forge my own path, free from your misguided ideals.

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