chapter 25

530 17 3

Operation calming the storm part 1

All Might's eyes bore into mine, his expression a mix of disappointment and concern.

All might:Kai, what happened to you? Attacking Endeavor and involving yourself in criminal activities... This isn't the path of a hero

I scoffed, crossing my arms.

Me:Hero? What's that even mean? I've seen enough of the so-called 'hero' world. It's a joke.

All Might sighed,

All might:You used to believe in heroes, Kai. What changed?

I leaned back, a bitter smile on my face.

Me:Heroes? Huntsmen? Devils? They're all the same. Masks covering up the real monsters.

He took a step closer, his towering presence attempting to break through my defiance.

All might:There are still those who genuinely want to make the world a better place. What about them?

I chuckled darkly,

Me:I've been around, All Might. I've seen the ugly truth behind the façade. There's no saving this world. It's better to embrace the chaos.

He shook his head,

All might:tou can't let bitterness consume you. There's always hope, always a chance for redemption.

I glared at him,

Me:Redemption? For what? Trying to survive in a world that only knows how to chew people up and spit them out?

All Might's eyes softened,

All might:You were hurt, Kai. I can see that. But becoming a criminal won't heal those wounds. There's a better way.

I laughed bitterly,

Me:A better way? Tell me, All Might, where was that 'better way' when I needed it the most?

He hesitated, searching for words.

All might:I'm sorry for what you went through, but there's always a choice to make things right.

I turned away, dismissing his words.

Me:Save your speeches for someone who still believes in fairy tales. I'm done with heroes and their empty promises.

All Might stood there, a symbol of hope facing a fallen ally, both lost in the shadows of their own choices.

All Might's gaze bore into mine, a mix of concern and disappointment etched on his face.

All might:Kai, what about Izuku? He looks up to you, sees you as a friend. What kind of example are you setting for him?

I scoffed,

Me:Izuku? He's still clinging to that hero dream? I've seen enough to know it's nothing but a pipe dream.

All might:He believes in heroes, Kai

All Might replied, his voice earnest.

All might:He believes in the power to change, to make a difference. You were his inspiration once.

I rolled my eyes,

Me:Inspiration? All I did was survive in a messed-up world. There's no inspiration in that.

All might:He sees something more in you

All Might insisted.

All might:He sees the potential for greatness, for heroism. Don't let him down.

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