Alice Visits Part 2

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The sun was setting behind the woods on the fast side of the estate when Tom quietly opened the door to his study and closed it behind him, stepping softly over the piles of paperwork strewn around and approaching the windowsill where Harry slept peacefully, head resting against the windowpane. Somewhere, a record was playing Perry Como's Killing Me Softly. Tom gently brushed his fingers over Harry's forehead and tucked a few strands of hair behind Harry's ear. His long alabaster fingers stayed there just behind Harry's ear for a few more seconds, his hooded garnet eyes tracing the side of Harry's soft skin and drifting languidly across his sangria lips and reverently taking in his eyelashes. Then, with another tender glance at Harry, Tom moved to close the heavy velvet drapes but stopped at the view. The sun's last rays spread like a golden ocean across the rippling grass, and the final hints of rosy sunset sank below the horizon with the sun, allowing dark blue to creep in. For an instant, one ray of fading sunlight lit up the window pane, and Tom saw with clarity the wobbly heart drawn beside Harry's head where his breath periodically fogged the glass. 


Further South, in Suffolk, the windows of the old manor were lit brightly with candles carefully placed and lit some hours before just as dinner began at the Black-Crouch residence. Some house elf had forgotten to close the curtains to the terrace dining room, presenting the four people sat around the grand Italian table with a magnificent view of the midnight sky. 

Having long since abandoned his formal robe and leaning into Barty's side, Regulus lifted his twelfth glass of wine and clinked it to an equally-drunk Mrs. Belfrage-Walton's, pronouncing,

          "To Hogwarts and the Hoggy Ex-tress!"

          "Express," Barty corrected patiently. 

          "And to your lord, Moldy-moldy wart!" Mrs. Belfrage-Walton exclaimed with a cackle. 

          "And to Harry, "Barty (the only sober one except Alice, who had been sent to bed) added.

           "Yes, and to Harry--God they're so cute! And good-looking fellows, too!" Mrs. Belfrage-Walton giggled, pointing in the direction of a big album laying on one side of the table, opened to a page titled Cordes sur Ciel: Summer 1996 from which Tom and Harry laughed at Narcissa, who wore an apron littered with burn marks. 

            "Another glass?" Regulus burped and chortled, reaching for the wine bottle in the middle of the table. 

            "Why not!" Mrs. Belfrage-Walton uttered, and the two burst out in laughter, Regulus collapsing into Barty's lap. 

            "I think that's quite enough, love," Barty murmured. 

           "Hmmmmm?" Regulus said a little sleepily. "Come on, Barty! Just one more!"

Barty glanced at the wine bottle and his very cute, very drunk lover. 

            "No," he said, bopping Reggie's nose and snagging the bottle for himself before he tipped his head back and drank the rest of the wine. 



          "No, better get a few bottles of Tokaj."

          "Mm, but then we won't be able to ship the Château de Fesles within this budget."

          "Worth it. Better get the Tokaj and a Caliveda Pinot Noir."

          "But I do want a French noble rot..."

          "Have it your way, then. Or we could get the Tokaj and go to France so we don't have to ship the Château de Fesles."

           "...Brilliant idea, Draco! Why didn't I think of that!" Lucius exclaimed, looking up across the high table he had installed in the cellar for wine-tasting at his son, who was looking quite proud of himself. Father and son had been examining their wine acquisition list and budget for some hours now, and it had mostly been finalized. They would place the order at the questionably legal Wixen-Muggle Goods Exchange offices in each wine's country of provenance shortly. 

           "Doesn't great great Aunt Hesper have a plimpy farm near Saint-Nazaire?"

          "That's right! Brilliant! We'll go tell your mother now!"

Lucius failed to consider the fact that although Narcissa liked nice things, she didn't like spending exorbitant sums while on the continent. 


Narcissa raised her eyebrows and looked over the top of her reading spectacles as the door to the master bedroom burst open (it almost flew off its hinges) and her husband and son skidded into the room with equally giddy looks on their pointy faces. Narcissa sighed, putting down her book on the sheets beside her and lacing her fingers together, laying them loosely on the blanket that covered her legs. 

           "Cissa, darling! What do you say we go to France?"

            "What, this summer? Did we not go last year?"

           "Oh no no no, mother! I mean, like, over the weekend. Just drop in and see great great Auntie know?"

Draco blinked innocently up at her and Narcissa narrowed her eyes back at him. 

           "Hmm. And what is this for?"

            "Well, you know, just.." Lucius sniffed and looked at Draco.

            "I-er," Draco looked back at Lucius.

            " I...just thought it would be nice to pay Lady Gamp a visit."

             "It's been twenty years," Narcissa said, less suspiciously.

            "Perfect timing!" Draco butted in, "I'd love to meet her, mother! You know, before she dies. She's almost 100, isn't she?"

Narcissa smiled fondly and squealed,

             "Oh, I've been wanting to go see Auntie Hesper!"

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