Devil Twins Part 1

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          "...and please welcome our new Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, Remus John Lupin!"

 Dumbledore concluded his welcome speech. 

A man with messy bronze-brown hair and shabby, patched-up robes stood up to a loud overture from the Gryffindors. He had scars running across his face and Harry instantly recognized the aura of a werewolf. Tom could also sense magical auras, the only difference being that Tom knew what to look for in the aura and Harry didn't; Tom had taught him said skill in the Chamber.

Slytherin remained silent, each individual assessing the new professor. 

          "Looks like Black will have to stay near Hogwarts," Pansy mutters. 

She had managed to weasel Harry's plan out from him and had hence told the rest of the group. Harry was now immensely grateful because, due to the group's combined knowledge, he would be able to sneak Sirius in and out of Hogwarts. 

The only problem the seven had not solved was the fact that the Marauder's Map was in the possession of the Weasley Twins, Fred and George. 

They could only hope that the twins were not using the Map at the time of their little escapade. 


Wind howled and clawed at their green and silver scarves, trying to rip their hats off their heads. 

Crackling brown leaves skittered across the ground on a blast of frigid, icy-cold wind. 

Three figures decked out in green and silver uniforms trooped in to Hogsmeade on the evening of September twenty-first. 

          "You reckon we'll make it?" a voice shouted over the wind. 

          "We have to!"

A strong blast of wind flew from the North and one of the boys teetered, his hat slipping from his headd. It revealed a second of midnight black hair that he quickly covered with the hat again. 

Soon, the trio duck into a open-mouthed cave to come face to face with a shaggy black dog. 

          "Sirius!" one of the boys yells. 

The animagus shifts back into a black-haired beau, only to be roughly hugged by the raven-haired one. 

          "Draco?" said man asks. 

The second boy pulls off his hood, revealing a shock of ice blond hair. 

          "Lord Sirius Orion Black. I am sure that my mother will go berserk if she finds out that you are here. I advise you to steer clear of Malfoy Manor. It's in Wiltshire."

          "Good to know, Heir Draco Lucius Malfoy. Does Narcissa do well? How is Lucius?"

He had not completely lost his pureblood etiquette. 

           "Both of them are quite well, thank you. I must admit that it is rude of me not to ask how you yourself do, but I imagine that being on the run is not the best definition of doing well."

Sirius lets out a bark-like laugh. 

          "Drop the formalities, Drake!" he embraces his cousin's son warmly and Draco cracks a smile. 

          "Lord Black, it is a pleasure to meet you. I present myself as Blaise Volans Zabini."

          "Likewise, Heir Zabini."

          "Knock it off, you two!" Harry hollers and the two shake hands just to spite him. 

He pouts. 

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