Plants that kind of sort of...make you die

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Harry had decided to start working full-time on Neville. 

The week before, he had casually dropped the bombshell to Fleur and Viktor: They were going to have to fight a fully-grown nesting dragon mother and retrieve a golden egg hidden inside said nest. 

Fleur had freaked out for well over and hour when Harry finally took it upon himself to show her a ritual that would render the dragon's attacks upon her useless. She had begun practicing it relentlessly upon anything from a Blast-Ended Skrewt she had found wandering about near Hagrid's cabin to a shard of glass broken off the corner of Greenhouse 1. 

Viktor had decided it would be prudent to start working on his reflexes. He trained every day from 10 in the morning until 3 in the afternoon. Unfortunately, it seemed that said training had paid off a bit too much because now he jumped every time Harry placed a hand on his shoulder to calm him. 

Harry had gone as far as to warn Diggory about the dragons. Diggory had promptly fainted and was in dire need of the Hospital Wing due to his minor breakdown. He had decided to get help from his girlfriend, a social Ravenclaw by the name of Cho Chang. Chang had not been able to help him much due to the fact that she didn't take Care of Magical Creatures. So, Diggory had come running back to Harry and his gang for help. Due to his father's political alliances and the irony of it all, Harry had taken the seventh-year under his wing. Now, Diggory (or Cedric, as he insisted on being called) was practicing a neat little trick Harry had taught him involving placing a false mating call on the other end of the stadium. 

However, Harry had been going out of his way to make sure Potter knew nothing of the coming Task. He had even made the other champions perform a Vow of Silence regarding said subject. 

He had the rest of his crew (safe Vincent and Greg) working on the potions he intended on using to sabotage the First Task. He had invented the recipe and had acquired all the needed elements of it. However, he would not be bothered to go about making it. 

With Luna helping Fleur and coming up with the most ridiculous things to test (i.e. A pair of Pansy's boots, a bunch of plates from the Hogwarts Kitchens, and even a green banana), Harry had decided that his efforts were best put into helping Neville come out of his shell. 


Harry looked in the mirror. He was dressed in beige canvas pants with a loose Hobgoblins t-shirt draped over his lean frame. His midnight black hair was swept back into a careless, Viking-inspired ponytail. Yes, he did put some effort into knowing these Muggle things. 

Why was he dressed like this?

Well, it was all for show, of course, but he felt it would be better to show up with the first on his little...experiments dressed for the occasion. 

It was Tuesday when he walked into the Greenhouses laden with Angel's Trumpet. 

It was not technically illegal (He had looked into England's legislature and found a loophole or two. Or three. Or four) but every part of it was filled with poison. It was known to be fatal to anything or anybody who was stupid enough to try to eat it. 

Neville was properly frightened when he identified the plant. However, his love for Herbology took over soon enough and he fawned over the plant who, in response, decided it loved Neville. 

It was Wednesday when Harry walked into the Greenhouses with a large, Fanged Geranium. 

Neville had pretty much the same reaction as with the Angel's Trumpet and grew to adore it within the course of thirty minutes. 

It was Thursday when Harry walked into the Greenhouses with a basket of Devil's Snare. 

The Devil's Snare felt Neville and easily decided to be tame; by now, Neville was used to Harry bringing in odd plants for him. 

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