Night of the Living Dancers

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There I sat in the living room with my foot proper up on a cushion. Cassandra was trying to play dolls with me, but it was making me so mad.

"Ugh! Cassandra enough with the toys," I said

"Sorry Claire, I just thought you were bored." She said in a sad voice

"No, I'm sorry. I'm just frustrated. Let's play another time?" I half told half asked

"Sure!" She said immediately becoming happy and rushing up to her bedroom upstairs.

I watched her be able to go up the stairs and into her room. A task I wish I could be doing right now.

"Cameron!" I yelled

I saw him emerge from the corner on top of the stairs and stare down at me, "Yes Claire?" He asked

"Can you bring me to my room please?" I asked

"Ask Mom." He said before turning on his heels and leaving

"Cameron please," I asked

"Fine." He said as he started making his way downstairs.

When he arrived at my side by the couch he didn't seem as mad as before. He seemed more sorry for me. And I hated that.

"Cameron, just cause I'm injured doesn't mean you have to pity me," I said with an attitude.

"Claire, what's your problem, why is pity and sorrow so bad when it comes to people feeling that way about you?" He yelled.

It caught me by surprise, that Cameron had yelled at me like that. Like I was crazy. Tears started to build in my eyes. I fought with my foot to get off the couch away from him. Hoping around and tripping on the floor.

"Claire, stop, you're hunting yourself." He said, trying to grab my arm.

"I'm fine," I said through tears.

But it took my almost falling flat on my face, and Cameron catching me, for me to stop.

"Claire, I'm just worried about you," he said.

I looked down embarrassed. But Cameron didn't push. He just picked me up and brought me upstairs, but not to my room, to his. He sat me down on his bed and put a pillow under my hurt foot.

"So, Claire, I know you might not wanna talk about you, so why don't you just tell me all about Kendall." He said

I gasped, "So it's true, you like Kendall?" I asked all the happy

He giggled, "Sure I do, now spill."

"Okay so let me tell you." I started

And the time flew by. I didn't even remember I hurt my foot. It felt nice to relax.

The next morning followed and my mother was helping me prepare for class. Well, just get ready.

"Cameron!" She yelled out

Cameron came up to my room but knocked before coming in.

"Yes?" he asked

"Remember, you will be staying close to Claire to help her move." She said while lifting me upright.

"Did they give her a boot?" He asked taking my hand

"No, they just wrapped it. Just, make sure she's not walking on it all the time, be useful." She told him while walking out of the room and yelling for Cassandra.

Cameron looked at my outfit

"I like the dancewear "Ballerina," he said while laughing.

Claire's outfit-

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