bullets and Claire's ballet

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My mother gets a phone call and quickly steps outside.

"I wonder what it is?" I said

"Maybe you got a job?" Kendall said

"Or a photo shoot." Maddie chimed in

"I hope it's something good, or nothing too life-changing," I said

Then my mother walked back in with a huge grin on her face.

"Claire, YAGP just called, they want you to go and compete!"

my mouth dropped as I was too stunned to speak, as I was engulfed in a huge group hug with Maddie and Kendall.


Claire interview:

"I was thrilled with that news. I've wanted to compete there since I first learned about it."



"Ladies, come on, let's go. We have lots to do, It's going to be a busy, busy, busy week here." Abby yelled. "No coming late, no leaving early. Now, Texas. We had all these plans made to go to New Jersey. And then, at the last minute, we have to completely flip it. There are a lot of dance companies in this country that would have said, fine, we're not going. And we didn't do that. We went, some great things happened and some really bad things happened. Now, this week, we are going to Hollywood Vibe right here in Pittsburgh. I want to see 100% from every single one of you. Remember, we're in our backyards. You have a target on your back, and so do I. The group number is called "Private Eyes." I'm going to arm you with the secret weapon. You're going to be using guns in your routine. When you step on that stage, I want you to kill it. Understood? You're going to blow the competition away."


Christi interview:

"I'm not thrilled at the idea of my daughter dancing on stage with a weapon. Plastic or not, it's still sending the wrong message. but I'm so used to sending the wrong message at Abby's, I should just, I should give up."


"Now we're going to move into the pyramid," Abby said

I raised my hand.

"Yes, Claire?" Abby asked

"So, YAGP called my mother and asked her if I could go and compete for a ballet solo," I said

The girls and mothers all clapped for me. And Chloe hugged me.

"Oh, that's good Claire. So Mother what's the dates and stuff?" Abby said

"Well, we will be leaving tomorrow and won't be back till the day after, so will be there for two days. I'm leaving Cassandra with Melissa." My mom told Miss Abby.

"Oh okay, so let me go ahead and announce some dances so you can go straight into going to doing your ballet solo Claire, Claire you won't be in the group dance, but you, Maddie, and Kendall will have a trio. Chloe, you are the swing-in while they learn it, I'll send a video so you can learn your part, and if she can't dance it then it will be a Chloe, Maddie, Kendall duet. Cassandra, you have a solo." Abby said

Maddie and Kendall hugged me, excited for our trio.

"Okay, now we're going to move into the pyramid," Abby repeated.


Christi interview:

"I'm really upset with Abby's favoritism to Claire. I get that she got this amazing opportunity, but she is sitting here getting away with not being here for two straight days and getting rewarded with a trio. She doesn't even get to learn it and poor Chloe has to learn it knowing she won't get the part."

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