When Stars Collide

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P.S: stories were Claire's mother Sabrina isn't present will be shorter because she won't have a POV upstairs with the moms, who make up most of the rehearsal days.

what went down at the competition was wrong. My mother and Maddie's mother were furious. When we went back to Maddie's house we went upstairs in her room. We tried to forget about it but when my mom made it to the house. There were some yelling. She was really upset at the way Christi handled herself. But I was glad my mother would be out of town this week because I don't need her yelling and causing a scene at Abby's. So before my mother left she gave me my clothes and things for me to stay at Maddie's the next couple of days.

Five days to showcase

And it was the next morning, and me and Maddie were definitely in a better mood after we had fun last night. And we were so ready to get back in the studio and find out what we would be doing this next week.

"Girls lets go!" Abby yelled. "First I wanna talk about this past weekend. I am very disappointed. I think every single one of you could have done better on your solos, even Maddie and Claire. But, moving on, I want to forget about last weekend. What's gonna happen this weekend?"

"Its the ALDC showcase." Paige said.

"Yes, thank you." Abby said smiling

Claire interview:

I really enjoy showcases because I get to dance in a lot of numbers and me and Maddie have loads together too. And it's really fun.

"We are doing the new number, "Sugar Daddies," at the showcase." Abby said. "Maddie you won overall high score at the competition, boom. Claire you got second, beat one of Maddie's solos so that's great, boom. Nia, forgot part of your dance, made it up, went on, finished with the music. Chloe did a great job, there were some other situations, you're here, I wanna see that attitude improve on stage. Yes? You never know who's watching you."

"Alright, I have a few surprises during the showcase. I don't want to pressure you, but in the audience at the showcase it's going to be an agent coming to seek new talent and looking for new clients to sign."

Me and Maddie looked at each other before clapping our hands. This was really great news.

"Moms, you are going to be performing in the show as well." Abby said with a smirk.

And me and the girls just started laughing and clapping because that seemed to funny. Our mothers performing in the showcase.

"And I know Claires mother Sabrina won't be here but that's okay, so Cathy you're going to be the choreographer." Abby said

Cathy laughed and said, "You guys are in for trouble."

"Nationals are getting closer. With every competition you get better and you get stronger. So this showcase is going to be a nice chance to entertain rather than compete, but it all is leading up to nationals because we wanna do what?"

"Win!" We yelled

"Alright guys up, moms dismissed, start doing "sugar daddies" Abby said


Claire Brooke Nia

Chloe Paige Vivi Mackenzie

So we started rehearsing our dance called "Sugar Daddies" and I like this dance because of the cool props in it.

"Girls, can I see some emotional execution?" Abby asked

A dance journeyTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon