From ballerina's to Showgirls

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We were in Las Vegas, Nevada, and me and Maddie were so excited. My sister Cassandra was also here this week because Abby asked for her. So her and Mackenzie have been having a good time. While me and Maddie were hanging out she convinced me to create an instagram.

"Claire before we go to the studio, you should make and instagram."

"Really? I've never had one before." I asked a little embarrassed.

"OMG." Maddie said. "Ill help you make one ."

I eventually gave in and on our way to the studio Maddie helped me create and instagram. To my surprise it got a little popular fast. I guess if you say your from ALDC people wanna follow.

we arrived at the studio and we all poured in with our mothers

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we arrived at the studio and we all poured in with our mothers.

"Hello." Abby said. "Welcome to Las Vegas!"

We walked infant of her and got in a Simi straight line while we put our bags down.

"Hello Cassandra nice to see you." Abby said

"Hi Miss Abby. nice to be back." She responded

Abby smiled as she started to speak again. "I wanted to reflect on Starpower last week. Some of you did really well, however, as a whole, not so great. I brought Brandon in. I thought that would do that trick and the dance was a mess. The competition in Las Vegas this week is Thunderstruck. And we have four days to prepare. As a group this particular group has never not placed in the overall high scores, so you need to be flawless this week."

Abby then went to rip the first paper off the pyramid.

"Vivi-Anne, not here. Her mother made it quite clear she was not traveling to Las Vegas, so you know what? This poor little girl is going to suffer. Her mother didn't follow the rules. Let this be a lesson to all of you and to all of your mothers. If you don't follow the rules and you don't give me 100%, I will yank your number from the competition." Abby continued.


Claire interview:

"When she reveled Vivi's headshot I was dying because she had this big rich circle with a line through it on her face. And me and Maddie definitely were holding back some laughter."

Abby interview:

"She's the one that quit. She's the one that bailed. She is the one that ran back to Ohio. We've been on the road. there's bonds that have been made. These people have worked under great pressure. And it's that old adage. I could talk about my moms, but don't anybody else talk about them."


"Next up, Mackenzie. Honey, I'm sorry you lost your duet partner. However, I want you to practice on all of your jumps and all of your tricks because next week you will definitely be competing." Abby said.

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