Chapter 38 - ''You don't have a plan.''

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Katara raced back to her room. Once Aang woke up, seeing that she was still aware and her eyes were open, he excused himself to a apparently important Team Avatar meeting. 

She had a feeling it was going to be all about what she overheard from the corridor. She couldn't care less at the moment as she slammed the door to her chamber open. 

It was already late. The candles were lit but the curtains were tied back so the Moon light reflected on the walls. 

She expected to find him here. A broken scowl, a plea to the Spirits themselves broke free from her throat as she heard the door slapping close behind her. Her legs gave up altogether as she sank her knees into the hard, marble floor. 

Zuko was by her side at once. He drew her hands away from her face, exposing the silent tears already flowing down her skin. He offered up a small smile. He couldn't afford more as his own voice cracked. ''Katara.''

She shook her head but her eyes remained fixated on him. She surveyed him slowly, as though it would be the last time she'd ever see him. He must've taken off his crown piece because his hair fell freely around his handsome face. The concern seethed from his pores but there was also rage behind his pupils. And such sadness that reflected her own heart. 

''I don't want to go,'' Katara mumbled. Zuko moved closer, their legs touching now. ''I want to stay here. With you.''

''I would like nothing more,'' he admitted quietly. Before she got there, he thought of every possible option to keep her here. He could tell Aang he needs her healing abilities to treat the Fire Nation's citizens. They could say she's fallen ill and cannot afford to travel now. Perhaps they could even pretend Hakoda sent a letter asking her to stay at the Fire Nation to learn their ways of healing. But it all would end the same; with her going back home at some point. It would just be avoiding the inevitable. 

Because, in the end, there is no real reason for her to stay here. Not a single one that could keep her here forever. 

Katara seemed to realize it as she stared at him. ''You don't have a plan.'' 

Zuko bit his lip, only to hide the sob that was threatening to jump out of his chest. ''I don't.''

The waterbender drew her hands away from him. Her eyes went feral, her whole body shook. ''You promised,'' she sobbed violently. ''You said you wouldn't let him take me away.''

However delusional it was to put this on him, she simply could not comprehend how she could go back now to the quiet life she had, the loneliness that walked with her throughout the past few years. 

''I'm sorry,'' the Fire Lord whispered devastated. ''I am so sorry.''

She stood up. Throwing her arms out, she walked to the closet. Then to the window. Her legs were restless as she muttered to herself. ''I'll just tell him. Yes, I'll go over there now and I'll tell him I want to stay. I... I'll make something up and I will make it seem like I'm needed here. Yes. That could work, right?''

Zuko watched her closely. His chest ached as she traveled around the room, mumbling all the lies she could tell Aang. But there was no real plan and there wasn't time to work on it anymore. By this time tomorrow, she would be long gone. He had no idea when he'd see her again. 

And if she would be the same. 

''Katara,'' Zuko got up, approaching her. He gathered her up to him, his hands landing on her cheeks. She refused to look at him at first, still obsessing over all the non truths she could tell. But her name on his lips made her heart tighten with longing. So she glanced up, only to see a tear falling down his scar. ''I am... I am so grateful for the time we had together. You woke up so many feelings in me, so many of them I thought gone forever. And-d I... What I'm trying to say is... I think I've falle- ''

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