Chapter 30 - ''Why are you so angry with me?''

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Katara had never been drunk.

She abstained from the alcohol for all of her life. With Aang chattering in her ear about how bad it is, she just did not even attempt to drink. 

Well, that was until now.

She was finally getting dressed with Toph in the bathroom. She helped her get into that ridiculous dress. They've decided to let her hair flow freely even though the earthbender couldn't see how beautifully it suited her. 

Katara felt like her skin was tingling. Sudden need of being touched was overwhelming but she ignored it. Especially when the tight material around her breasts was not at all making it better.

With her surprisingly steady hands, she assisted Toph with her suit. Simple green trousers with elegant blazer. Her black hair was longer now, Katara let it down a bit and used a silver headband to make her look even more gorgeous. Along with abnormally long earrings, she looked like she truly belonged to the ancient Beifong family. 

Once the ladies stepped back into the room, Aang was the first to whistle. Simply because Sokka was still sucking up to the bottle. 

The Avatar grinned broadly at Katara. ''You look perfect.''

She could not hide the blush that spread across her chestnut cheeks. Nor could she help the smile that forced itself onto her face. With sparkling eyes, she swayed toward Aang. Raising onto her toes, she placed a kiss on his lips. ''Thank you.''

Katara surveyed Aang and Sokka. They were also ready to go; the airbender choosing a very formal, orange robe that covered every inch of his body; her brother going with his usual Warrior attire.

''Sokka,'' Toph ripped the whisky away from him. He gawked at her dully. ''It's almost empty anyway. There will be a lot more at the ball.''

''Let me just get my boomerang...''

He stumbled onto his feet and Toph quickly used her earthbending to put him up straight. Katara noticed Aang's nostrils widened. Was he angry?

She did not care enough to ask him about it then. She really just wanted to get this ball over with so she could drown in her sorrows in the privacy of her own bedroom. 

Somehow, the argument with Zuko seemed such a silly thing now. The regret of what she said, how she said it... As if whatever they had going on between them did not matter. Was not important. 

It was unbearable, chest-stopping pain that surged through her every time she thought of his face. Of his reaction. Of his hooded, distant expression when she suggested they should not talk. When she basically suggested they only find pleasure together. 

Toph was in the process of trying to get Sokka to stop trying to fit his boomerang into the tiny pocket of his jacket. Aang stood still like a rock next to her, listening to the bickering friends. 

''That's enough,'' Katara said. They both stopped and looked at her curiously. Aang's attention also snapped to her. ''We need to get going. We don't want to be late.''

''Katara's right,'' Aang chipped in, squeezing her arm in gratitude. ''Let's go.''


The ballroom was huge. It was comparable to the Earth King's own throne room. Which is no doubt why it has been chosen for this very occasion. 

The waterbender never have been to such a party so she could not hold back her gasp. 

Katara and Aang walked arm in arm first. Toph and Sokka followed them, latter grunting at the amount of people that stared at them now. 

Katara didn't know where to look, at the beautiful gold ribbons hanging from the ceiling, the long buffet table with various deliciously looking sandwiches and cakes on the side or the pretty dresses and suits people were wearing. 

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